bloodwork today *UPDATE* :(

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im heading to go get my bloodwork done and have my first dr's appointment and they will b able to tell me if everything is ok or if im going to need to be on meds to try and keep this pregnancy viable.. wish me luck. Im very nervous


  • Good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • as i was sitting there getting my blood taken i started feeling very dizzy and was almost passing out so they rushed me to the er and my blood pressure was really really low and i was very dehydrated so im currently sitting here with an iv for fluids waiting for the hubby to get here. The dr called him and said he was all nervous and on his way. I started getting crampy about an hr ago and went to the bathroom and there were spots of blood on my underware and blood when i wiped so i told the dr and now im just waiting for the u/s. Hopefully they see the babies heartbeat and everything is ok im just getting flashbacks to 2 months ago when this exact thing happened and my baby had no heartbeat :'( i need prayers for a heartbeat. I dont think i can go through this again.
  • Praying for you and your little one!! >:D<
  • Praying for you and the baby as well
  • ur n my preyers
  • Thank you @praying4our3rd I feel like it is taking forever for them to do the u/s. The hubby seems more worried than i am and im trying to stay calm but everyone told me last time that bleeding was normal and i had NO cramping last time and my lil bean had no heartbeat so its just hard. If there is no heartbeat this will b the 3rd m/c with my hubby and i think that will b the end of us trying. This will b the third in less than a year and i just dont have the strength anymore.
  • I watched the ultrasound and there was an empty gestational sac so my body reabsorbed this one. Good bye feb ddc. Dont know if i will try again but for now i need to just take some time to myself. Thank you to everyone who prayed. I guess its just not meant to be
  • Oh I'm so sorry. :(
  • @praying4our3rd all they would say to me is that it looks like an empty sac but where i should have been 4w4d they said it MIGHT be too early to see anything but they also said that my hcg level isnt as high as it should be for how far along i am. I'm praying that its just too early because i havent had any cramping or bleeding since monday but i go back tomorrow to get blood drawn again and depending on my levels i go in next wednesday for another u/s to see if anything has changed. i dont think i can take anymore heartbreak. The doctors weren't very consoling to me and just kind of acted like it was no big deal what was going on.
  • I was in the ER at 4weeks and 4 days, and all they saw was a sac, but now at 10 weeks, I have a healthy baby :) I'm praying for you hun.
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