group B Strep....anyone ever had this? im nervous...

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Will my baby be okay? How the hell do you even get it? :-/


  • Sorry I.haven't have that before but I was gonna ask the same... How do u get it?
  • I did some research and apparently 25% of healthy women have it and don't even know...just sucks because I want my baby to be okay!
  • Mine came back positive too. It can potentially make baby very sick but as long as you're treated with antibiotics during labor your baby will be fine.
  • I had it with my first born. I just had to have an IV of antibiotics when I got to the hospital. It's nothing to worry about for u, but the infection could pass to the baby at birth, thats why the antibiotics are needed.
  • I was pos w it all 3 times. Not sure how u get it but never had any problems. They gave me iv med during labor and thats it. Babies were super healthy. I think they want u to have the meds going for at least 4 hours before giving birth. I wouldnt worry too much.
  • go to my posts and there is some info on there when i posted about being positve
  • I did with my last pregnancy. The just gave me an IV antibiotic when I was admitted. My daughter and I were fine :)
  • It's a natural bacteria found in some... Harmless to us, but can affect baby, so they'll give you antibiotics when you're in labor. Don't worry too much... It's more common than you think. You and baby will be fine!
  • Thank you so much ladies! I am just worried abiout my baby but as long as there's antibiotics then she should be good! Just kind of took me by surprise because I haven't had anything wrong with me this entire pregnancy and when I heard that I temporarily got kind of angry at my body lol
  • This is my third pregnancy and the first time I've gotten positive results on my GBS test. The nurse said it's just a bacteria and that I'll have to have antibiotics in my IV when I'm in labor so baby doesn't get it. Other than that, there isn't much to say on it. xP
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