Stupid Drunk driver...
OK so on 6/5 at 8:22 am my husband and I were in a terrible car accident. I was the driver and to make a long story short the woman that blew the stop sign going way over speed limit was drunk and she has changed our lives forever. I was knocked unconscious. I dont remember the accident thank god but my poor husband remembers everything. I was seizuring at the wheel right after we stopped spinning and he thought I was passing on. We are 14 weeks pregnant and all he could think was I just lost the love of my life and my child. We basically walk away from the accident all and all considering. My husband tried getting me out of the car but the fire department had to use the jaws of life to get me out. The ambulance took my husband to one hospital and me to another because of how severe my trauma was. He insisted on coming back to me. I love him so much!!! The hospital put us both in the same room. His injuries are bruised ribs broken scapula and whip lash. They kept him overnight for observation. Mine well I was not so lucky but I am happy to be breathing and that our little man is still very much with us!!! I have a punctured lung, 3 broken ribs (cracked the long way) pulminary contusion, concussion, whip lash and we are both bruised from head to toe. But like I said all in all we walked away breathing. The driver of the other car well thank god she is in jail she is being charged with felonies and her poor passenger well we are still hoping he becomes more then just a vegetable. He was the worst off. Please pray for him that he may recover. I just dont understand 8:22 in the morning and you are to damn to drunk to see a stop sign and come speeding onto a major highway. I am very thank ful that our 5 year old was not with us!!! This lady has changed my life forever and I definately know what true love is!! Since the accident I can not do anything myself and my husband has helped me with everything bathing, bathroom, eating, walking, everything! I have never known a love like his! I had 2 u/s in emergency room and little Weston is moving and kicking thank the lord! The emergency room Dr.s had to tell me I was pregnant because I now also have short term memory loss. I knew before accident that I was pregnant but after not so much I couldnt even tell you my name for at least 5 hours. Sorry this is so long I just needed to talk about it. That stupid woman almost took my baby from me. She almost took me from my little girl and from my wonderful hubby...all in a blink of an eye. Sooo PLease Pregly's becareful and tell those that you love often because you never know when someone else's stupid mistake will take you from this world!
Some ppl just really need to start thinking before getting so stupid and driving! I wont even let my husband grab the phone or any device while driving..
You and family will be in my prayers, stay strong!
Will keep you guys in my prayers for a speedy recovery.