Leaving your baby to cry???



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  • You also forget that some babies have colic and no matter what you do they cry..
    This is how some babies get shaken baby syndrome. Because the parents dont realize sometimes you just need to set the baby down in a safe area and take a breather..

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  • @homebirthadvocate
    i know. Just thought i would remind everyone sometimes babys cry and theres nothing you can do about it..
    Doesnt make them a bad parent for letting the baby cry for a little bit if they get frustrated.
  • You can use a sling if you are overwhelmed by carrying a baby which is understandable. Shaking a baby is a whole other case. That is called abuse , it is not parenting tecnique. Babies who are colic also have reasons. Babies don't just cry because they like to.
  • There is no baby out there who cries 24-7. They cry until you take care of their need . Need that be diaper change , feeding, touch or they are in pain.
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  • Yes and sometimes its hard to identify. Some babies have acid reflux too. They cry. I mean if baby is happy, why would he or she will cry? If she had her baby just cry it out , that baby would have suffered that pain for the longest time.
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  • We didn't let our twins "cry it out" til they were about 6 months old and could tell the difference between I know you'll come get me crying and I need something crying. That said if I needed a break I would set them down for a few and take a breath which is totally ok! They now sleep through the night every night unless something is wrong.
  • I never ignored my son as a baby, but now that he is almost two and when he has tantrums because he isnt getting what he wants, like lollies, I ignore him! Or I just cuddle him untill he forgets :D
  • @ashthurs ... I couldn't agree with you more. Well said! :)
  • edited June 2011
    A baby with colic will cry despite changing their diaper.. Checking for strings around their fingers or toes.. Swaddling.. Rocking and soothing.. they will take a few gulps of milk, stop, and then cry again.. Burping doesnt help.. It goes on For hours on end.. You can give them gas drops..warm wash cloths on their bellys.. Try to make them poop etc. Their tummies just hurt and there is nothing you can do to pacify them.. No amount of rocking them walking around singing etc helps..
    Its not the parents fault they wont stop crying.
    I guarantee if you google it every website says they cannot tell you exactly what causes colic or how to treat it.

  • @magcaw ...you are so right with the co-sleeping. There are definitely many people who should NOT do it because they don't use common sense or take measures to make it safe. Seems flawed right from the part where they say co-sleeping is MORE dangerous, but yet... it has a "equal to lower" risk of SIDS. Hmmmm...
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  • @magcaw ...I am, of course, referring to co-sleeping in a bed... It shouldn't even be regarded or tested in the same manner as falling asleep on a couch while holding a baby. ;)
  • Colic is caused by stomach problems or babies temperemant . Only lasts few weeks after birth generally. Do u suggest colic babies are not comforted by their mothers? Definetly not mothers fault that babies cry. Noone said for any reason that its parents fault. Babies who are raised in attached parenting meaning carried and comforted by touch and other stimulation are less likely to be colicky. Newborn stage is very crucial , you are setting up many behaviour patterns such as sleeping, feeding and communication with mom. It is a bonding time with mommy that effects their later life. It starts right at hospital, baby learns after every diffucult moment, there is mommy there comforting baby with her voice,touch, skin, milk.these babies who are comforted in such a way develop a lot better than a baby who spends her energy just crying.
  • Oregonmama I am not talking about letting the baby come to a uncomfortable level. First of all you will also be very bothered in a situation like that. You can tear up every sentence to bits and pieces. I guess you don't see the general idea I'm trying to discuss. we are not talking about few cases where mother smothered their babies in slings. I am persoonally talking about attached parenting and how you can eliminate crying and colicky babies with some easy ways. You may not agree with it or practice or plan to practice any of the ways. There are moms out there who have been raising babies in this method and have very well adjusted babies and toddlers. I would even suggest reading books by dr sears who happen to explain attached parenting in a better ways than I can ever explain here.
  • The only time I said to let a baby cry is if your at a frustration level where you feel you can no longer calmly comfort the child. Im not sure why anyone would think I said anything else?
    As far as the whole gas or temperment issue.. Thats a theory.. Its not proven. Noone knows why infants develop or how to cure colic.
    For you to say colic could have been avoided if the mother would have held or touched or spoken to her child more is (something im not allowed to write on this forum)
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  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle I know, i know..
    Sorry.. Im dealing with a painful sciatic nerve thats making me cranky.
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  • My son had awful reflex that even medicine didn't fully relieve. He would cry and vomit all the time. I felt so helpless and like a horrible mother but I sometimes had to let him cry. I tried home remedies, slings, ect... But the only thing that got me through the really rough days was taking a few mins in another room to cry a few tears and take a few breaths. My son still has occasional reflux but mostly outgrew it by 10 months. I respect all your opinions and think yo_ all have valid points, thats why I love pregly :)
    @mama0811 my son is also 2 1/2 and does the same thing! I definatly learned my lesson about being over protective and jumping at every sound.
  • Well i breastfed all Kids. They all need mommies due to their level of unsecurities. They feel lonely, and/or scared without their parents.Sometimes we do all tricks of the book and it is horrible to me that i cannot prevent colic which is almost an unconsolible cry and pain to baby. We must remember that even tottlers still need their parents love and support for guidence.
  • @lil_buggie_3 & @Almost4
    Very well said! I agree with you both. :)
  • Sometimes there is nothing to sooth your baby. my first and third hated their carseat but that didn't make me take them out. its recommended that you rather let them cry before doing something you actually wouldn't do since the crying takes a toll on moms. it was reported that moms started shaking their babies or screaming at them because the crying got to much to handle due to teething or ear infection etc. I think it is ok to let them cry as long babies are left in a secure place like the crib.

    @ashthurs colic can last up to 3 month after birth and its not fun at all all my boys had it my youngest is 8 weeks and it calmed down but it isn't all gone.

  • Thanks everyone. I guess I just need to learn what works for me and my lil man.:-)
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