august moms:)
I had a 32 week checkup yesterday and an ultrasound. He weighs 4.5 pounds and his head down. That was scary for me because I wasn't sure if that meant he was ready or just another position phase lol other than that I am measuring a week ahead:) how are you ladies doing?
I can't get any type of measurements! they said no more ultrasounds... how come? How do they determine weight and stuff? Ahhhh haha * imma first timer * if you can't tell. :-P
@survivormommie3 they usually don't start checking until around 35 to 36 weeks unless you feel like you need to be checked.
Alec is doing better on the ventilator. They will be putting him on one that does less work for him n a week or so. He has produced a small amount of urine on his own. His potassium level is high, so hes on meds to remove it. He has a bunch of ivs and catheters, and is on electrolytes and sugar. Pretty soon, he'll b able to have breast milk. His blood pressure is stable with 2 medd. Goin 2 c him again tomorrow.