august moms:)

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I had a 32 week checkup yesterday and an ultrasound. He weighs 4.5 pounds and his head down. That was scary for me because I wasn't sure if that meant he was ready or just another position phase lol other than that I am measuring a week ahead:) how are you ladies doing?


  • I wish I was due in august....October seems so far away.....:/
  • edited June 2011
    @08lilmomma11I'm doing great Jus anxious to meet my babiigirl I'm 31wks..I'm to ready to meet her bcus my best friend n I r 2months apart she's being induced today in now I'm ready for July to get here n see wat my Dr say about inducing me
  • @nicoleok87 I felt that way for a while but now I feel like time just flew by!
  • @blackbarbie10 I have a friend who is due in three weeks and I'm totally jealous but I mean its all on the baby and when he wants to come so we shall see.
  • My babys head has been down since 20 weeks and I'm now 32 weeks and her head is so low u can feel her in my private area
  • I am 32 weeks as well and had my last u/s at 28 weeks and he weighed 3.4 pounds. I go for another in a week. I am hopeing he is not breech anymore.
  • @08lilmomma11 yep dey make us jealous I'm excited for my bff today even though I'm jealous
  • I'm 33 weeks sooo ready for my princess to get here august is taking forever....HURRY PLZ!!! Lol
  • I'm 30 weeks tomorrow and I believe my little man is still going whichever way he pleases. Sometimes he's transverse (I feel kicks on either side of my belly at the same time) and sometimes he's either head/butt down as I get jabs in the ribs and my girly parts. He's def big (idk how much they think he weighs as I've not had an u/s since 20 weeks) cuz I feel him much much more than I have before (anterior placenta) but I hope not *too* big. :X
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  • I just had my 33 week appt yesterday. My little girl has been head down since she was 18 wks with no dilation but am thinning. Congrats to you ladies and August 5th can't come soon enough!!!! :)

    I can't get any type of measurements! :( they said no more ultrasounds... how come? How do they determine weight and stuff? Ahhhh haha * imma first timer * if you can't tell. :-P
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  • I was due 8/22, 30 weeks. However he was born via c section at 130 pm yesterday. He weighed 4 pounds 5 ounces.
  • I'll be 30 weeks on Tuesday due August 30! Baby does summer saults like @mam082711 's baby does. I'll feel his little kicks up top then a few minutes later feel him in my girly parts. This pregnancy has seemed to fly by. I'm ok with August taking it's time getting here I want to savor this pregnancy. It will be my last.
  • I have an u/s wvwer month to check the growth of the baby to make sure he is on track because he has SUA (single umbilical artery) which may keep him from growing. The normal way for the dr to check the growth of the baby is to measure your fundal height which is the measurement from the top of your pelvic bone to the top of your uterus
  • @pregnantlettemama. Is baby ok? R u ok? Hope all is well!! What made u go early?? I'm 30.5 and had ultrasound wed and she was head down and weighed 4lbs 14oz! She's bn measuring 3 wks ahead for a while.
  • @pregnantlettemama 4lbs doesn't seem too shabby of a weight for 30 weeks. Keeping you and your little one in my thoughts :)
  • @blessedmommyof3 Baby Alec is ctitically ill. They r keeping a close eye on lungs, bladder and kidneys. He is stable. I am doing ok. We had an u/s yesterday, it showed no measurable fluid. Because of this, we had two choices: deliver or let him die in utero.
  • My 30 wks appointment is Monday. We shall see what he tells me. They usually don't check for dilation yet, this early do they?
  • @pregnantlettemama I hope everything gets better or stays good:)
    @survivormommie3 they usually don't start checking until around 35 to 36 weeks unless you feel like you need to be checked.
  • @babycomingsoon143 they do my ultrasounds every four weeks because of his kidney being a little enlarged. My next one is at my 37 week appointment. Its getting better and they're not worried about it but I am lol I'm a first time mom so...I worry a lot!
  • Ultrasounds at the end of the pregnancy are not very accurate as to due date. Usually there is one at the beginning of 3rd trimester and then it is a waiting game until ur overdue and then they will do one once u pass ur due date but no garantee on that either. They don't need to determinae weight before the baby is born unless there was something wrong.
  • Update on Alec~~
    Alec is doing better on the ventilator. They will be putting him on one that does less work for him n a week or so. He has produced a small amount of urine on his own. His potassium level is high, so hes on meds to remove it. He has a bunch of ivs and catheters, and is on electrolytes and sugar. Pretty soon, he'll b able to have breast milk. His blood pressure is stable with 2 medd. Goin 2 c him again tomorrow.
  • @pregnantlettemama I'm glad to hear he is doing a little better:) how big is he? And how old again?
  • I go for my 31 week check up this week I can't wait I hope he does an u/s I want to see if he turned yet he is getting bigger I haf my first BH while having sex the other day (tmi) but I am just so ready to meet mommy's man
  • @preggointx I would say I love all the ultrasounds but the reasoning for them makes it a little nerve wrecking. I don't like that he has a kidney issue but the doc says he will be fine:) I hope your appointment goes good! Let us know what's up with him:D
  • Im due aug 10... he is head down but don't get another ultrasound until 36 weeks....
  • @augustbaby I am due august 10th as well:) its a little more uncomfortable now that he's head down. Our next ultrasound is at 37 weeks.
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