Wondering how long have u been with ur husband/bf/bd/sperm donor?



  • 5 years now
  • 10yrs in june married for 1yr and this will be our 3rd bubba :X
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Been together for 6 years married for two of them
  • I been with my boyfriend for a year and 4 months this is our 1st baby I live with him and hes 19 an im 16 :X
  • Been together for almost 3 years...have a 2 year old son and 13+3 with number 2...
  • Been married a year and a half,together almost four years :)
  • 3yrs with my bf.
  • I've been married 4 months and we were together for 2 months before that. Before we dated, we flirted all the time at work (he was one of my managers). I finally left my crummy bf for him and I've never been happier. We're expecting my first and his fourth in September :D
  • I have been with my husband for almost 15 yrs now... I knew him 2 weeks b4 we were married and now were 18 wks along with our 5th baby... I think it's safe to say I found my soul mate... I've never been happier :X
  • Together 10 months married 4 months :) pregnant 11 weeks by us and 12 by lmp
  • I've been married for 1 year and 6 months but we have officially been together for almost 12 years and we fooled around years before that.
  • Married for 5 months, together 1 year before that, long distance relationship the first 7 months due to his job promotion 2 weeks after we started dating:( @VictoriaB he was also my manager so we knew each other pretty well through work! Did one of you have to quit or transfer? Oh and we have been pregnant for four months!
  • Been with my bf for 7 months, but we've known each other for 10 years (we met in high school and were just friends though he says he's had feelings for me since then)--lost touch but then reconnected on facebook. I went home to visit for a weekend and we ended up getting together. He moved to Atlanta to be w me. So in love and happy about the baby! :X
  • 7 wonderful years ;) haha wow thats long!!!! Since we were 12. Oh my, haha
  • @Second_time_mommy7
    Since there were two other couples who worked shifts together, they couldn't justify firing me. They put me on day shift two days a week for 5 hours a day because one of the catty girl managers lied and said we didn't work well together. Unfortunately, that meant I had to work with one manager who hated me (jealous bitch, pardon my language) and the owner who chose favorites and decided me and my hubby weren't on that list. After doing that for two weeks, I quit. I was sick of being treated like dirt, doing hard work, and getting paid minimum. The kicker was when the GM told the owner I quit, the owner said, "we shouldn't let her go. We need her help." This was after he yelled at me for putting a bag "in the wrong place" apparently the right place was 3 inches away from where I put it. When my hubby quit for a way better job, the owner kept his check, only giving him $20. Needless to say, I'm happy that I don't have to deal with that place anymore! Way too stressful.
  • The first going on three yrs but this one only 5 months n im 3 months pregnant
  • edited February 2011
    My husband and I known each other since elementary...married for a year and two months TODAY.

    Expecting our first in Oct.
  • Hey ladies am married for 5 Yeats wit two kids
  • Been with my fiance since I was 16.hs my high school sweet heart.im now 21 and so is he
    Were expecting our first child
    Were very excited:)
  • I've been with my bf for 3 years he is 30 and I am 26... this is our first and I am 8 weeks along... can't wait till I can say I'm 30+ weeks....
  • With my bf for 2 years, I'm 19 he is 20. This is our first and I'm at 6weeks.
  • I have been with my boyfriend for four years. I was 18 and he was 28. He already has a 5 year old, and we are all very excited. I am 13 weeks.
  • We just had our 11 year anniversary this month. This will be baby #3. We've been together since 1994.
  • I been with my husband 12yrs since 99 my freshman yrs of high school. Married 8yrs this month 23rd have a 8yr old baby boy & a 6yr old baby girl & now having our third one :-D
  • I've been with my wonderful husband for 7 years. Married since 7/10/09. I have PCOS. We have been trying for 5 yrs. had 2 mc. Now I am 10 wks 5 days. Strong heartbeat 172 bpm. Everything looks great. What a great way to start a new year.
  • Met him a year ago, we were together 5 months, broke up a few weeks before I got pregnant. We're trying to work it out for the sake of the upcoming little one. It'll be both of our forts (child).
  • Me n my husband been togeather to years june 15 n n our baby due june 7
  • 3 yrs with my baby father n last oct got preggo with his 2nd baby
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