What moms have Stopped taking Prenatal Vitamins...

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I would really like those who have stopped taking their vitamins with previous kids to share...How are your kids now...

Everyone is making me feel bad about stop taking them...At first it was a money thing and then I just became lazy and felt I eat health enough for me and my little cumquat..


  • I don't have other kids. But I stopped taking mine around 16wks, I'm now 30.2 wks.
  • I didnt feel bad until another person said omg I cant believe you stopped taking them..
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  • I hardly ever took them with my daughter n now she is perfectly healthy n really smart n I'm 25 weeks pregnant n don't take them but maybe once a month when I remember lol n he's healthy
  • I don't have other kids either, but nobody seems concerned that I'm not taking them anymore. I eat healthy (mostly :D ), I'm young, and I was in good shape before so I don't think its too bad that I quit taking them. My son is developing well and kicks all the time.
  • I have a 5 and 7yr and didn't take vitamins with them. Their fine besides being crazy but they get that from their dad though. Lol Bd bought me some gummy vits I was taking I need to get some more.
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  • ya know, i haven't stopped, but I always forget. I'm gonna go take one now lol.. I really wonder if it's all about how most people live these days. Not everybody is as healthy as they can be and probably need all the nutrients and vitamins from the pill since they don't get it in their daily diet.
  • @mshahir Im just being lazy to b honest....
  • My mom didn't take any with any of her 4 kids, and we're all fine.. I never remember to take mine and baby is great so far..
  • Because we humans have been evolving for god only knows how many years.. and we are still here, despite the fact that not til modern medicine came along, did we have prenatals. (By modern I mean, when medicine started really perking up). I believe us women are built this way for a reason, and we shouldn't have to have a pill to ensure nutrients.

    I'm sure there's more, but I have barriers in my brain.

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  • I feel like Im healthier than ever thought...I love green things...Caesar salads...green apples..lima beans...green peas....milk...orange juice..almost every fruit...rice...kidney beans...black eye peas...I can go on. But I eat other things in moderation...Im not trynna make myself feel better by saying that but even before I was prego I ate the same and its really no differenece beside my intake increasing of thise same foods.
  • @mshahir

    I go out and about for hours at a time a few times a week, so exericise is down.

    I eat fair. I don't really eat fast food (like really hardly everrr). We usually cook at home.
  • My daughter is almost 11 yrs old. I stopped taking prenatals at 7 months or so. I ran out & never purchased more. She's fine healthy never been really sick. She's growing fast & super smart. I found I was preg w her @ 3 months. So only 3 months of prenatals & she's fine. Now w this preg I took them daily 3 months before getting preg. I'm now 24 wks & as of like 18 wks I've not took them daily. They were making me sick because they were chewable. I take tgem 3-4 times a weeks. My kid is healthy so far.
  • I never took them I have a 4yr old who is at the level of 2nd graders, a 11 month old who is also advanced. Never been sick, perfect beautiful little girls. I asked my ob about this and he said prenatals aren't for the baby, they are to replenish what the babys already taken from you. The babys gonna get what it needs reguardless. He said unless youre on a stick and mud water diet, you don't really need to take them.
  • I never actually took prenatal vitamins I took flinstone vitamins with iron.. O was prescribed vitamins but apparently the ones they prescribed me weren't out on the market yet.. Not sure how that happened? Lol. But I was told I could take flinstone ones
  • I dont understand what is so hard about popping a pill in ur mouth daily. If you know it will only benefit your baby people should WANT to take them.
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  • I believe prenatals are more for our (moms) sake than for baby. Baby will take nutrients from wherever it can find them and will basically rape moms body to get what it needs. Your body is going to suffer before baby's will. Prenatals act as a reserve so that baby doesn't steal all the nutrients that you need just as badly. Sure women didn't take prenatals 100 years ago but I also guarantee they didn't have as healthy teeth, hair, and bones as we do now. Pregnancy takes a huge toll on a womans body and prenatals help to lessen the damage. Plus they provide our babies with a little extra like d.h.a. Is your baby going to be seriously harmed by not taking them? Most likely not. I say to each their own. I think prenatals are important and I try to take mine daily but if I forget do I freak out? No lol.
  • my doctor told me to take them at least til third trimester. because the baby is developing so rapidly and need tons of vitamins and nutrition. I went to Walmart and got the prenatal gummies. they are easy on the stomach and pretty tasty
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  • Maybe just set an alarm on your phone each day and take the prenatal vitamin. That's not very hard, right?
  • edited June 2011
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  • Ask your ob
  • edited June 2011
    @mshahir I totally agree with you. You would have to have a perfect diet to perfectly sustain both your health and baby's health. I also agree that prenatals enhance and fill in gaps of the nutrients your body has or doesn't have. The reason I say prenatals are more for moms sake is because baby will take from moms very last reserve. For example if baby needs iron baby will take from moms blood and mom is going to become anemic, if baby needs calcium baby is going to take from moms teeth and bones. I didn't mean they are soley for moms benefit but in essence what's best for mom is what's best for baby. Prenatals definitely benefit both parties. I know your comment wasn't directed at me necessarily but I wanted to add my two cents :)
  • I have an underactive thyroid and the hormone replacement I take for it has to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, eat nothing for at least an hour, and no vitamins/antacids or anything of the sort for at least 4 hours. So I take the thyroid medication one of the many times it get up to pee (usually around 3-5 am) and take my prenatals/vitamin D right after dinner. Just make it routine. Drs. wouldn't tell us to take them if it wasn't beneficial/important.
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