PLEASE HELP! Bleeding Heavily. 29 Wks. [TMI]

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
My boyfriend and I decided to finally have sex. When we were done I went to the bathroom. When I stood up I felt stuff trickling down my legs. I didn't think much of it because well, we just got done 10 minutes prior and it was dark. When I got into the bathroom and sat down, I noticed my whole entire lower half was covered in blood. WTF! So I called my boyfriend in and he was covered in blood as well. I was bleeding pretty badly and a few blood clots came out.

I'm in the ER while he's at home with our daughter and I've been here for about 4 hours. No one has told me anything. They just said I "should" be okay and they were going to wait for the bleeding to stop. Okay so now, the bleeding is now less than spotting, it's still blood but it's very very very VERY little. They came back and told me that they were going to wait for my OB doctor to come and do his rounds before letting me go home, WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING....

I'm very concerned and curious as to what is happening. Does anyone know? I'm also getting paranoid because every 30 minutes I get cramps and the baby, although moving, is now in a different and significantly lower position in my belly. Where she was before kicking right under my ribs and into my lungs, she's now just slightly above my belly button line. Could I possibly be having my baby almost 2 months early?

I just want some piece of mind. This pregnancy has been very difficult from the get go. First it was bleeding, then it was losing too much weight, then it was bad cramps, then all of a sudden I am high risk, then suddenly I'm not, then diabetes... now this... Idk... Please help!


  • Hope everything works out good hunny
  • I wish I knew something to help put your mind at ease but I don't :(

    Keep us updated and try and stay calm!
  • Sending prayers and hugs your way!
  • Oh my I'm praying for u..I'm sorry u r going through this I can image..just continue to pray...keep us updated
  • @threefatsamurai- First of all try to stay calm because the baby might get stressed out and thats gonna make it worse. I know its hard for you to stay calm at times like this but try your hardest for the babys health. Second dont worry if you do have the baby you have a 9 out of 10 chance of him making it and being a healthy baby. And third I'll be praying for you and your little bundle of joy. =)
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  • @threefatsamurai I had that happen to me early in my second trimester with my second daughter... twice. It freaked me out beyond belief. I had so much blood loss that my socks were soaked. When I got to the er they assumed I would not be able to keep the baby with that much blood loss. This happened twice in 2 weeks. I went for a special ultrasound (i don't remember what was special about it other than I had to go to some place other than my ob) We found out I had placenta previa. This is where the placenta is on the bottom rather than the top... the pressure of the baby caused it to bleed. Good news is even with all that blood loss she was perfectly happy in there and within the next few months my placenta shifted on its own. I know it is scary!

    I hope you get answers soon.
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  • Is say same thing, u may have a low laying placenta. It can bleed from pressure. I have been diagnosed with this from 20 else on but have had no bleeding episodes yet 35 else now but I'm paranoid. I don't squat or lift anything and rarely have sex. Hang in there, ur in the right place. Wish there was someone with u for support but pregly is better than nothing! *Hugs*
  • Hope everything is ok with you and baby... keep up posted!
  • I'm home now and have been placed on bed rest until my ob is convinced otherwise...makes things more difficult with an agro toddler terrorist running around... However, my next appointment just happens to be tomorrow and we will see what is going on after my body takes a rest for the day.

    He said my boyfriend ruptured some membranes and that the bleeding will stop with rest and my body will heal itself over a little time.

    Baby Iris is doing wonderful now. She has moved back to her previous position and is kicking and flipping around like normal.

    I want to thank everyone for their prayers, love, and support. I love my fellow preglys. I never feel alone when I know people out there have gone through all of this crazy crazy business and have advice and offer their support to a complete stranger! My your God bless all of you and I will chant good energy to all of you in return. <3

  • Hehe <3 love the buddhist chant at the end. I'm glad u and baby are ok. Best wishes :)
  • Lol, thanks. My life style is the only thing that can put my mind at peace. I had all of your support and the support of my fellow SGI members. :)
  • Hey! Yup, we were in the same boat. I'm leaving the hospital shortly where I was for the past two days. My bleeding was caused by fibroids. My husband & I had sex Friday, and my problems started Saturday morning. I bled so heavily on Monday that I passed out repeatedly, passed clots, and had to get a transfusion. Thankfully, the baby is fine and progressing well. I'm on pelvic rest, so for the foreseeable future, no sex! Please take it easy and rest. I'll be sending positive thoughts and vibes your way.
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