To tell or not to tell..... (venting and really need adivce) *UPDATE 06/22*



  • @praying4our3rd....they both have admitted it through voicemails to me. She was tryaing to get advice from me and he was trying to get me not to tell and to get me back.
  • Well even if he admitted to u he did im sure he will lie about it ex was on parole n punched me in my chest knocking the wind out of me.. i didnt call the cops but the next day i called his p.o and because i was his "mad girlfriend" n had no proof n he denied went out the window n he got away with just saying the only way if he denies it is to have some sort of proof before the baby comes
  • Ok as long as u have voicemails then ur good
  • @lafiitx89 and @praying4our3rd I also have lettters from when he arrested for drunk driving 4 months ago and he was in jail.
  • To be very honest leave him be to play with school girls and if he does start getting on your nerves report him and dont give him the satisfaction
  • Like @ncoughlin08, I'm a crazy bitch and I'd call the cops on him. I've done a lot worse to exes who cheated on me. I almost killed one guy when I caught him having sex with another chick. They got lucky because his friend was hanging out there and heard us screaming so he came in and pulled me off them. Luckily my emotions are more balanced now, but cheating and lying really gets under my skin. Do what you think is best tho.
  • Id turn him in. Its not so often a women who is betrayed gets a chance like that. But also theres the issue of WHAT THE EF WAS HE DOING SCREWING A17 YEAROLD. I'd turn him in just to save the teenagers from him. If you wait it will be concidered as you just taking revenge.
  • Well I'm not looking for revenge. I'm looking to proect my child from him as weel as protecting his other child and the child mother. I think I'm going to call her parents and then the police.
  • i wouldnt waste your time turning him in.. i also wouldnt let him off scott free.. his ass should be paying child support.. if hes not involved you will have no problem getting full custady anyways.. hes an idiot.. and i would have also kicked his ass for hurting me so deeply.. what an ass.. he needs to pay for his actions till the end of time.. i mean taking care of a child is alot of work.. and the few measly dollars you get from child support.. is nothing compared to the satisfaction youll get from seeing suffer.. lol.. sorry im evil.. i cant help it..
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  • He has a problem that won't go away on his own... what if next time its a 14 yr old....even the 17 yr old is still a child and now a baby is having a baby... you would be doing the right thing by telling authorities
  • @lmelanson He wasnt drunk when he did this. He knew what he was doing. The scary part was I had sex with him after telling him I was prego and after he cheated before I knew he cheated.
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  • @lmelanson that is why I'm going to call her parents first. I'm going to do that afer I have lunch with a friend for some encourgment. To be honest, I'm scared. I will update after I call.
  • Definitely turn him in.that girl is a child and he a grown ass!
  • I would probably be so angry and hurtful that I would. But honestly what is it going to help? Do what you feel is right.
  • I agree with prayingforour3rd comments.
  • He needs to be locked up and pay for what he did. He knew he was braking his parole and nothing ever stays secret. He's 27 and able to make desicions and smart enough trying to deceit you. I would not have mercy for people who mess around with any underage girl. You should not be scared. You can tip the police anonymosly and most likely everything will come together with little investigation. There is ways that he won't know you tipped the police.
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  • I dont know if it is easier to read the update here or on the post: I called her house. She lives with Grandma. Which tells me something isnt right at home to begin with. But I explained to grandma who her is her guardian. The situiation. I kept my emotions out of it. All Grandma had to say "I will talk with her. " Grandma wanted nothing on him like PO name and number or even his number. Just "I will talk to her." So I dont think much is going to be done on that end. So next will be the phone call to the police tomorrow. I got pretty busy today. I will make that call first thing in the morning.

  • I don't know if your police department has this, but I had to turn my neighbor in once, because she was letting her son stay with her (and he was hiding from the police on drug charges and bringing some not so nice people around all the time) and I just used the website and the anonymous tip email and they came and checked it out.
  • @laura536 I looked and it can only be used to report theft or a stolen vehicle. But I thought about writing a letter with info in it. that they can use for evidence and not my name attached. Do you think that is a good idea?
  • edited June 2011
    I would personally bc what he did was wrong....

    but just reading this its seems like you are doing it out of spite bc he continued to talk to her and not bc you truly feel like he violated a child. And to me that isn't a good reason.

    But I could just be getting the wrong vibe.
  • Any way you get them the info is better than nothing. I just thought that might be more helpful, because you said you were concerned about being a whiner on the phone, and I know I always get nervous when I have to call places. I'd rather send an email, lol!
  • @newmommy_navywife it no longer has anything to do with me. I don't speak to him any longer. I'm concerned that he did something wrong by knowingly getting her pregnant and knowing her age also knowing that he purposly violated his rules of probation. What is the next girl that shakes her ass infront of him is 15 yr old. How long can he say and live by well she told me she was 18? I'm doing it because it is wrong. He needs to be more closely watched in society then he is because he obviosly can't follow the rules of society (hence probation) and then he violated rule that are given to him in black and white. He is having a child with a child. And he is suppose to be a man.
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  • I agree 1000% as long as you have the right motives I think you reporting him is a great thing!

    Good luck.
  • conversation with her grandma had no emation but concern for her grand daughter and her soon to be great grandchild. And so will my report to the police. I have seperated my feelings from the act. I'm reporting the act and the results of the act. Not my emotions.
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