has anyone booked there first appointment?



  • Ah ok, I'm in the uk so dunno how it works here but guess it will probably be the same
  • @rawsky yes let's k.I.t lots of libras I love it! And thank God everything was great at my appointment. Big relief. I hope I'm not this anxious Everytime. 3 weeks seem so far away. I've been in bed all day today. Constant queasiness. How are u feeling?
  • Where abouts in the uk are you? Im 7 weeks i had my 1st app at 6 weeks and only got a talking to and thats it! No bloods or pap or scan!! Very disapointed. I was in the hospital yesterday with light bleeding and cramps, they only did a pee test and said i was fine!! They wouldnt scan me as im too early they said. My 1st scan is booked for the 1st april! Dont realy wanna wait that long as i have previously mc but no1 will do anything :-( xx
  • Was in hospital last night as I found blood in my undies but everything is ok. I only had a pee test and bloods they won't scan until at least 10 weeks. I'm fine though just knackered and constantly peeing lol. So glad everything is ok! @flyingmomtobe
  • I'm due Oct. 15 and ultrasound is March 10th and they said theyhave to take blood work and all kinds of stuff
    I'm kinda nervous I've never done this before!
  • I have my first one on thurs at 9am..I'm excited to see my baby for the first time but I don't know what else to expect
  • @rawksy did they check baby was ok ?
  • No I am to early but my levels are normal, just bloods and pee test. They will send me a letter with scan date on. @mummytoobe
  • Well hope everythings goes good
  • @rawsky so glad everything was ok. I know that was scary. Take care of yourself.
  • @mummytoobe thank you x
    @flyingmomtobe I was in such a panicked when I saw it. Lol, but now I'm just super excited about having him/her already started looking at cots and nursery stuff and clothes and yesterday I even brought soothers
  • edited February 2011
    I had the problem wit bleedn as well but come I had an bacteria infection so I took my antibiotics and now I'm feel good no more bleedn an feeln pregnant as ever
  • @pregnum2 Ahh glad your ok! How far along are you?
  • I'm 3 months now how do u post pics cause I think I'm pretty big for 3 months but thats wat they keep tellin me I have my first ultrasound on the 3 so ill know if its more than one
  • Go on the website and upload a profile picture. That's the only way I know how to do it. @pregnum2
  • I just found out I'm pregnant and I have my first appointment this Monday and I'm kinda nervous but excited.
  • Congrates! Mines rebooked for Monday too :) @perly x
  • The weird thing about me is that when I did the home pregnanc test and it came out positive I was excited but shocked, now I have symtoms and everything but in my head I'm not so sure I'm pregnant. I dnt know if its because I'm still nervous or what it might be.
  • @perly chances are it hasn't sunk in yet. You'll be fine. X
  • Wow.. I wish my first appt was as soon as you all. I had a positive hpt on 2/17. Called my doc the next day to make an appt and it isn't til March 18th. I will be about 11 weeks by then. Seems like I should go sooner... Maybe it is just me. But that was the first available.
  • @perly...i feel the same way and i took to test and i keep thinking when i go to the doctor they will tell me im not pregnant
  • I have my first appt tomorrow too. I'll be 7w 5d.... U'm excited and scared as well
  • I am 19 as well... tho if I do get my bfp tmrw it will be my second baby I had my son Nov of 2009 ... I was wanting to wait a lil longer but I guess God had a different plan :p ... I'm 8 days late with AF so we will see... its ok to be nervous but everything will be fine ... LOL I was nervous the first time I took my mom with me all the time this time around my hubbs wants it to be just the two of us... though my mom will be in the delivery room if I have a vaginal birth this time... its what I'm Hoping for anyways.

    Well, good luck all :)
  • Just found out on Friday got my appointment on the 16th march x
  • Haven't got an appt yet I am approx 9wks,2days this is my second child I have an 7mo old son I wanted to wait longer too but not much we can do about it now. with my first I was excited this one I am super scared of having babies 14mos apart I hope I do ok
  • I have my first appt on march 24. This is my third and can't wait to see the dr to have it confirmed.
  • March 21!
  • I had my first appointment
  • Mines wednsday I'm 10 wks 1 day
  • I went to my first appointment almst a week ago. Advice... drink a crap ton of water. They couldn't find my baby topically so they stuck a wand inside me that was about a foot long to find my baby. Its very uncomfortable but.bareable. be sure to drink water and a lot of it.
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