Help TMI but need help.



  • Hope everything is ok! Any updates?
  • @mommawright TRUST your instintcts and don't worry about "looking stupid" your a mom and sometimes that is all we have to go on, regardless of the out come. I hope you went to the ER and they are taking care of you now:) Whether they are putting your mind at ease or giving you what you need medically! (((((Love )))))) and ((((((support))))))) your pregly friend:)
  • Updates!
  • Hey hows everything?
  • Hey yall. Its so nice having people on here that care. I actually didnt go, called my mom and midwife instead. Midwife said im freaking out and its just so embarrassed :">but she also said if it wasnt better by this am (rash and discolored poop) that she would meet me at the office and do bloodwork and u/s. Thank you guys for all the prayers and help. May still call her to see if I can get an u/s just so I can see the little stinker.

    @samantha @mom60511 @kells32 @traci84lucas @stevkam0911 @amab13 @first_timer89 @KalikoJenie @clope18
  • Yea call her the blood work will clear your mind and the us will make u happy its a 2 for 1 yay!
  • Hope that's all it is! Good luck
  • Whew! Ok great! Plz stay away from cats lol
  • @mommawright: This is what I would be concerned about. I am NOT trying to scare you or make you paranoid, but there is a real risk here. Please make sure you're checked out:

    Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a one-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. When a pregnant woman gets toxoplasmosis, she can pass the infection on to her baby. Between 400 & 4,000 babies in the United States are born with the infection each year. Many infected babies develop serious complications.

    A woman can get toxoplasmosis by eating raw or undercooked meat or by contact with cat feces.

    Most newborns with toxoplasmosis show no obvious symptoms. However, about 1 in 10 infected babies has a severe infection evident at birth. These newborns often have eye infections, an enlarged liver & spleen, jaundice, & pneumonia. Some die within a few days of birth. Those who survive sometimes develop mental retardation, impaired eyesight, cerebral palsy, seizures, hearing loss & other problems.

    Without treatment, up to 85 percent of infected babies who appear normal at birth develop problems months to years later. These include eye infections that may affect sight, learning disabilities & hearing loss. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy also can cause preterm delivery or stillbirth.

    - Do not empty or clean the cat’s litter box. Someone else should do this. An infected cat (which usually appears healthy) can shed the parasite in its feces. The litter box should be emptied every day, because the stage of the parasite found in the cat’s feces does not become infectious for 24 hours. If nobody else can change the litter box, a pregnant woman should wear gloves and wash her hands thoroughly after emptying.
    - Do not feed the cat raw or undercooked meats.
    - Keep cats indoors to prevent them from hunting birds or rodents (which can be infected with the parasite and pass it on to the cat).
    - Do not get a new cat during pregnancy.
    - Do not handle stray cats, especially kittens (which are more likely to be infected than older cats).

    From the March of Dimes website.
  • @artistmamma I read all that last night, and again just then. Its nothing to play around with and I do understand the concern. my rash is gone, cramps gone, poop is normal, and no signs of blood. It all just happened to be all the same things that happened to the cat. And after thinking more about it, I ate an entire cantaloupe yesterday so that explains the poop, I work at a bridal shop, and we got lots of new stock in yesterday, so flipping them all inside out caused the rash (all the toole scratching) and I have been constipated for like two weeks now and pushing so hard caused the hemroids. Everything is all cleared up, but I do have a drs appt next week and I do plan on bringing this up, and if any of those symptoms come back, straight to the er I go. Thank you for posting that though, maybe other young moms won't make the same stupid mistake I did. :)
  • @mommawright: I'm a cat lover & own three, so I understand what you were trying to do. It wasn't "stupid," it was a positive thing that just could have had negative health side effects to you because of being pregnant. As long as you are SURE you're okay, I feel better. I was just genuinely worried, hun! Not trying to nag at or scare you in the least.

    And like you said, someone may see this thread, read this info, & say, "I didn't know that!" Not every OB provides their patients with all the info they need during pregnancy. I just found out a pregnant friend of mine on Facebook had no idea her anti-depressant was dangerous to take. Now, how does a doctor miss something like that?? :(

    Best of luck & good health to you, sweetie!
  • I never knew until I googled it. But I do appreciate it. :) when r u due??
  • I still dont know how I feel being diagnosed over the fone. my gut is still saying to see a doctor sorry if im botherinh u.
  • Well I called today and scheduled appt for monday. Symptoms are gone so I'm going it will be okay.
  • well thats very good to hear. please let us ow what happens on monday.
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