Baby Movements

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
Am 13 Weeks & is startin to feel baby alot more now? Kicks r gettin stronger.


  • Wow that early?? I'm jealous. 17 weeks and I haven't felt a thing! :(
  • xD 13 weeks mine felt like a little fish swimmin about in there. now it feels like he is going to jedo chop right threw my dang bladder at 22 weeks
  • Wow.17 weeks and one little bout of flutters.
  • I felt my first flutter at about 17 weeks. Now it feels like he's doing flips when he moves.
  • Mine is trying to escape, mybelly is constantly moving! Im 26 weeks
  • Almost 28 weeks, and I'm happy to say that my little man is a Karate Baby(:
    I'm pretty sure he's on the verge of kicking my bellybutton out... :p
    I didn't feel much movement at all until about 17 or 18 weeks, so 13 weeks...sweetie, you might be in for a Karate Baby of your own :p
  • I started feeling baby stretch @ 14wks. Now @ 16wks. baby is trying to escape, especially when im trying to rest.
  • Im 19 weeks and have been feelin my little one move since 13 weeks. Im thinkin this baby will be hyper :-/ lol
  • I am 21 weeks, n dont know whether my baby has even kicked yet. Im having a boy if that has to do with anything. I feel flutters for a couple days and barely any for a week.
  • @Faynsam51610 Don't feel bad... im 22w 3d and im pretty much the same way. And im also having a boy. I have been starting to feel more weird things going on in my belly but sometimes I just don't know what it is
  • I'm 18 weeks today and still waiting to feel babba move. there have been a few times when I think "was that a movement?" And then I'm not sure, not felt anything where I think it's definitely the baby
  • I'm 25 weeks and my little man does back flips in there all day long! I can't wait to meet him!!!
  • Im 22wks and I feel fluttering off and on throughout the day but have yet to feel movement on the outside. I take that back, I felt my little guy kick once but haven't felt him kick again since.
  • I felt a little fluttering around 14 weeks, and I got my first kicks I could feel on the outside at 17 weeks, 1 day. Now I'm 22 weeks, 1 day, and she constantly kicks and moves around, which is entertaining to watch. Ever since those first outside kicks, she's been consistent day and night. :)
  • On tuesday, I got my first real movement! It's constantly moving now and I can feel him/her on the outside too! I love it! :) x
  • I've been having flutters for awhile now and little kicks that startle me, but I think she knows how bad I want her daddy to feel the kicks, so she only kicking hard enough to be obnoxious...
  • I started feeling them at 16weeks, now at 23weeks shes found my ribs! So far thou it doesnt hurt haha
  • I started feeling them at 16weeks, now at 23weeks shes found my ribs! So far thou it doesnt hurt haha
  • I started feeling her at 20 weeks exactly... Now, she stays kicking and punching me constantly. My hub feels her too and she gets more active when he talks to her.
  • Its my 2nd & love feelin like baby move
  • This is my third, and I could feel baby move from the inside around 11 weeks. And now I'm 16 weeks, and every now and then, my husband and I can feel the baby move from the outside of my stomach. I definitely never felt movement this early with my two daughters.
  • 13 weeks??...u sure it isn't gas?
  • I felt flutters at 15 wks but like only twice that wk. Then at 16 wks every night between midnight and 12 30 I would feel the baby. Now im 17 wks and ready for my husband to feel em.
  • No its not gas ano the difference from my first child
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