july mommas

38 weeks today...yay...just two more weeks


  • Yay how exciting as soon as 12am hit in az I will be 36weeks =}
  • Lucky u... I still have 4 weeks I need this baby out already... lol
  • 3more weeks! I'm so exhausted, I can't wait til my baby gets here! My baby shower is tmrw. I don't know if I can be the center of attention being so tired. I just want to eat then sleep. Haha
  • Lol..@jcmommy...
    @mommy of five I kno the feeling
    @iheartkarma we r movin right along
  • Yay its 35 weeks for me today and 35 more days to go
  • Two weeks for me too. Due the 11
  • Yay!!!!
    @awhaley28540 r u havin fase contractions yet...I've been havin all day yesterday but not back to back
  • Yes :( they Piss me off. I start to get them. Painful but not unbearable. Then they just stop. Makes me wanna cry.
  • @cant_wait_until_july I'm 38wks today too 2mre weeks yayy
  • Yes me too @awhaley28540 mine come like one min every 1 to 2 hours and then stop

    @beauty0710 we r soo close can u believe it
  • Ahhh 2 more weeks for me too!! I was lookin at her crib today for a good 10 minutes straight.. Crying. Lol im just so excited for her to be here
  • 5 more days for me, July 1st!! I have a feeling I'm going overdue though :-< as long as my little girl is as healthy as can be I'll be happy but this waiting game really sucks!
  • 37weeks on Monday!!!(= Even thou I'm not prepared I want her out now I can't take the needle pains in the vjj anymore ahhhhh!
  • edited June 2011
    Are we July mommas all having girls
  • 2 weeks 5 days til ny csection.
    I hope she comes before then.
  • Well I forgot today is Sunday. Lol. Tomorrow I will be 38 wks.
  • 35 weeks today! Only 35 days till my due date but my ob thinks I'll have him a week or 2 early. I've been in preterm labor 3 times already lol.
  • Im 38 weeks today too
  • 20 more days:) hopefully he is here by then...
  • 10 more days till I get to meet my baby boy!!! Unless he decides to come earlier...no rush...he will come when he's ready or by the 6 th....one of the plus to cs!!
  • 3 weeks n 0 days! I keep having episodea of pain every few hrs. Ill never feel like its time at this rate! This weeks been super achy! Busy busy pregly month! Hope this az heat helps things along:)
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  • Due july 22! Ready for my lil man now tho! Dr cleared me for labor so just waitin. In a lot of pain tho. Slipped discs in my back and its hotttt in az it was 116 today. Wth. Been wakin up with really bad period cramps, backache and contractions on top of eachother for like 30 mins. Then they stop when i take a shower. Been woken like this twice per night for 4 days
  • 37 weeks come Monday ^_^
  • 38 weeks tomorrow! :D I'm still in shock that I'll have another little boy to cradle in my arms soon! My son is looking at me from the other end of the sofa making faces and giggling - makes me sad to think he won't be the baby anymore! And trying out labor cake for my birthday; just for fun. ;)
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  • I'm 37 weeks tomorrow. But will be having a repeat c section at 39 weeks so I also have two weeks till my little girl is here. We are all so anxious to meet her It's unreal.
  • 37 weeks today :) hopefully he will come soon :)
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