A lot of women should know

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
You are preparing your body for 9 months to have your baby and go through labor. So when you start labor, you automatically go get an epidural when it hurts, numbing yourself and making the baby go through birth alone. HAVING A BABY TAKES TEAMWORK. YOU AND YOUR BABY SHOULD BE WORKING TOGETHER. It shouldn't be you just lying there on your back while your baby is trying to birth by themselves. I'm not 'attacking' those who want one, by all means go for it if you do(: I'm not saying drugs are the devil, or that women who get one are weak. Have your birth whichever way you like(: I'm just stating


  • It's a personal decision.
  • It sure is. I just wish more women knew that the only option isn't going to the hospital to have your baby. The ones that want to, go for it(:
  • I agree its a personal decision..and just because you get an epidural doesnt mean you just lay there while the baby slides right out. You still have to push. Besides would you have your wisdom teeth removed with out some pain meds?
  • I think is whatever the mom choose its best for them. Im going to do natural birth unless the pain its very bad then I will opt to get epidural its whatever floats ur boat. :)
  • I definitely would have pain meds for wisdom teeth. I don't see what that has to do with labor though.
  • Well...labor is very painful for some of us...thats why I said that. If a woman is able to with stand the pain of childbirth then more power to her for toughing it out, but some of us dont have that kind of pain tolerance. Thats why I also agreed that its a personal prefrence. Besides its not like you just lay there and let the baby slip out after your epidural, you still have to push.
  • I have an extremely low pain tolerance and I will most likely pass out from the pain a few times, but I absolutely do not want to deprive myself of the birth experience because of pain. Epidurals increase your chance of csection. I don't even want to go to a hospital honestly, I am planning on having it here in my home with just me and my husband. It feels weird to me that women aren't doing that in the first place =\ just my educated opion.
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  • Wisdom teeth aren't naturally removed by your body.
  • @lil_buggie_3 Thank you, my first laugh of the week!
  • edited June 2011
    Thanks for amending your original post. At first it came off as really judgmental.
  • Ok my wisdom teeth example was a bad one apparently..I was just trying to make the connection between two things that can be very painful...again let me state that just because you have pain meds doesnt mean that the baby does all the work after that...you still have to HELP push...lol whatevs..its a personal choice
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  • @lil_buggie_3 you've definitely put a smile on my face! I'll rack my brain see if I can return the favor today!
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  • @blueberrysmom I was afraid of that. I hope people won't get offended.
  • If my pain tolerance was higher I would definitely say no epidural but I'm a wimp and cry when I cut my finger. Now I'm sure I could handle it if need be but if I can get my drugs... give me my drugs!
  • @ashley_smashley I agree, if you can't handle the pain, get an epi. But it seems like people think having a baby=getting an epi.
  • I am in the mind set that I am going to try to go with out the epi...and see where that takes me. But, I undrstand what you mean that some women just automatically assume that the pain will be to much.
  • @My_Tiny_Blessing well said. In England they try to discourage women from getting an epidural and try and encourage natural birth more, because of the many side effects not only to mother but to baby as well. I was watching one born every minute US and i don't want to generalise but i was really surprised at how easy and freely they just offer epidural. Here in England they try and educate on other pain relieves and offer epidural as a last resort. I do understand those that have a low pain threshold, but people should try and give natural birth a chance first before jumping towards epidural, if we think about it, women have bee giving birth naturally years before the epidural was invented, i think the government is creating a lazy generation where we rely solely on convenience. I myself am going to try natural first but who knows my pain threshold might be rubbish and i might end up using an epidural but i will try giving birth naturally first.
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  • Well I can see how the original post could come off as judgmental, but you did state that you aren't attacking anyone who gets an epidural. I'm going to give birth naturally in the hospital. My doctor is all for it and if my nurse isn't, I'll get a different one. I don't want the epidural for many reasons, the biggest one being that this will probably be my only baby and I want to experience birth as its meant to be.
  • @creamyapple yes(: if you look into Americas 'hospital history of giving birth' it isn't that appealing. I wish OBs informed their patients more.
  • @VictoriaB yup, definitely not attacking. Who knows, I might need one in the long run lol. I did not have a good experience with my OB and it just opened my eyes so that's probably why I posted this. And good luck to you!
  • Me personally dont want one as i kno they can end up leaving u paralysed if it misses by like a millimetre.. and i dont like the idea of having a big needle going in my BONE maybe if it was flesh yeh but BONE nope deff not lol i do agree with them but personally dont want one
  • I hated pain meds. My second child was csec and they gave me a spinal. I was not happy with half my body being paralized. My first was all natural and definetly a better experience.
  • @beautiful_altar & @mummytuube that's the very first thing that turned me off from them. I don't like those risks.
  • Yes women gave birth without the epidural for many years, but I myself see medicine as technology. It's an advancement that the world as a whole has gained. And just like all technology, some embrace it, some reject it for various reasons.

    I got an epidural, and still spent over 2 hours pushing cause of my daughters position (and the epidural had mostly worn off by then BTW) so saying that women who get it are "lazy" is pretty offensive to me.
  • Its not all about pain tolerance. Some peoples births are more difficult than others.
  • I have to have an early epidural due to being allergic to the drugs they would have to give me in case of an emergency c-section. They want the epidural in just incase of any complications so they could take me straight to surgery. Some people don't get a choice
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