Gender Reveal to the family today :) **Update**
ahhhhh soooo excited for them all to get here!! we made cakes yesterday, one has color in the middle so when everyone's here we all get to cut it together (basically) so everyone will finally know... even tho Pregly already knew lol i couldn't hold it in!! btw, IT'S A BOY!! and we're so excited for the family to find out.. his family wanted a boy and mine wanted a girl.. can't wait to see my aunt's face because she has swore from day one it was gonna be a girl lol
Well me, my husband, mom & dad, and sister-n-law know... but as far as the in-laws, my aunt & cousin's im real close to and my granny they know nothing... in fact, my aunt and granny have been trying to trick us for a week! I had thought about us not knowing ourselves to make it easier but I do cakes here and there so i wanted to do it myself instead of depending & paying someone else to do it