Anybody having a easy pregnancy?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I dont mean to brag & I hope not to jinx myself but im 20 weeks & so far this pregnancy has been fairly easy! Hope it stays this way.


  • Mine hasn't been too bad I've heard about a lot worse!!!
  • @mybabe yea I hear some bad stories up here. Mine has been a breeze so far. A couple pains here & there but thats it. Even my 1st trimester was easy!
  • Lucky Yu Guys =(
  • I did w/ my son! ...but definitely not the same w/ this one (girl)
  • Absolutely


    Ok ok I'm fibbing...but my first two were fairly easy, does that count? Lol
  • I wish... It's been pretty crappy so far. But my best friend who its 3 weeks ahead of me has had it soooo stinking easy. sometimes I hate her! Lol I'm 20+6
  • Yeah same here I keep hearing about morning sickness, constipation, heart burn, and what not...All which I never had thru all three of my pregnancies. I really love being preg. I thought I had it bad because I have to pee alot during the day but then I see a post today and read that ppl wake up all thru the night to go pee and I don't even wake up to pee lol
  • My lol girl is the perfect pregnancyq. I don't get any of the symptoms. And i still fit my pre pregnancy jeans...
  • Mee at 36 wks I had side pain but thats about it and now im full term n only look about 4 months...lucky me lol!
  • I'm 21 weeks today. So far, things are pretty good.
  • So far mine has been good I hope labor isnt too bad
  • Yeah mine has been decent. I battled morning sickness for 2 months but after that I've had it pretty easy. The only complaint right now is that my little boy is pushing into my ribs :-(
  • Mine has been pretty easy also, could of been a lot worse:)
  • 32 weeks and it has been pretty easy the biggest problem was morning sickness but now it isn't seeming so bad when I look back no bleeding only 1 BHC which wasn;t that bad and 1 er visit but that was my own fault....not drinking enough water I am so in love with my son and I thank God everyday
  • Mine has been pretty easy, aside from just being tired and a few aches and pains. I'm 32 weeks + 4 days. It's gonna get harder though I guess!
  • I'm 21 weeks and this pregnancy, like my first, has been very easy.
  • Im 21 weeks and this whole pregnancy has been easy... No morning sickness.. I sleep good... I dont hurt to much... I just love it!
  • 23wks 4days and last us was 21wks and i wont have anymore.. unless needed.. like going overdue.. possible low fluid.. stuff that is cause for concern.. i went overdue with my last two.. by ten days so.. im just gonna assume i will with this one.. but praying i dont.. lol
  • i posted a thread like this about a month ago...sometimes i feel like its too good to be true! im 26+3wks & ever since i was 10-11wks, ive literally been feeling GREAT! no morning sickness, no nausea, ive never thrown up, i do have random heartburn, pain anywhere...i have energy for days...i am a bit more bd says ive been a 'gem' thruout this pregnancy! lol...if it wasnt for my preggo belly, i wouldnt think i was pregnant...(& of course my lil man having parties in my belly) :) i hope it lasts a lil longer!!!
  • I'm 35 week. I feel wondeful. I haven't had any problems yet. This has been a great pregnancy. More drama then my others but that is about it.
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  • Its been ok so far. I'm just really depressed about the weight gain. I've just now at 25 weeks started to get very tired again and my hips have been getting sore.
  • Its been easy until hitting third then I have some of first trimester symptoms returning but its all good.
  • im 27 weeks & its been pretty easy. only thing is now im starting to feel just a little uncomfortable.
  • @ashleyfew noooo! Dont say that. Lol. But really its been great!
  • @librababii I hope it last for 20 more weeks! I hated it in the beginning because I didnt "feel" pregnant. It kept me worried but now I love it!
  • @mimibrowneyez36 i felt the same in the beginning! lol i was always worried cause i didnt feel i even poke my belly sometimes if i dont feel him just to make sure everything is ok so he could kick me i deff hope it DOESNT last for 20 more wks!!! lol..ill be LONG OVERDUE by
  • IM 22 weeks.. and sometimes forget IM pregnant. I am tired somedays and have to remember to eat or else Nolan gets upset.... but other than that IM getting upset at myself for not excercising! Then i remember IM pregnant!!! NOT FAT!!!
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