I had my anatomy u/s today and....*update at the bottom*
Good day my fellow preglys! I am so excited and nervous at the same time about my anatomy/ gender u/s tomorrow. For those of you that don't know me, I am a mother of five boys and I've been hoping and praying that this one is a girl. My husband is ok with having another boy but I'm tired of being outnumbered. Pink dust my way please ladies. I will update after the
**UPDATE** It's a girl!!! I am so happy and thankful! @tishj330, @newmommy_navywife, @cee808, @mandac10, @usmcwifemommy101107, @lmelanson, @excited2bamom11, thank you mommies sooo much for the pink dust!
**UPDATE** It's a girl!!! I am so happy and thankful! @tishj330, @newmommy_navywife, @cee808, @mandac10, @usmcwifemommy101107, @lmelanson, @excited2bamom11, thank you mommies sooo much for the pink dust!
@mrz_jackson2anpreggo, @angel452, @jnc121311, @jaime77, @oregonmama, @cee808, @juliansmommy, @teemommie2
@jaime77, my boys are overprotective with me so I can imagine how they're gonna be with their sister...I feel sorry for her already lol. B-)
@tishj330, I wanna buy everything honestly but I'm gonna start with pretty pink n purple clothes then buy everything else after I have my babyshower. Please let me know how your u/s goes.
I'm going shopping for her this weekend. When are you ladies due?
@quinnandtallonsmom, team pink is growing! Girl power!
@newmommy_navywife, yes that spanking did work! I'm glad it wasn't as he predicted.
Thanks mommies!