is it safe?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
my dr says im just hardly dialated and my cervix is still pretty firm, would it be safe for me to travel hours away plan on leaving the 3rd and coming home the 5th


  • 4 hours**
  • How far along are you??
  • It is safe but you just gave to be prepared encased you go in to labor or have anything else happen! You also have to make frequent stops to walk around to keep blood flow in your legs! Talk to your Dr he/she will let you know if there are any medical concerns! When it comes down to it, its up to you :)
  • I wouldn't unless you're okay to deliver at your destination. I was 38+3 when I gave birth to my daughter, and was not dialated or effaced at all at my appointment 2 days earlier. Plus, the stress of travelling can sometimes kick it off.
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