So i just found out my husbands having an affair at work



  • @karla Omg i felt the same way i still wanna go to there job a wait till she gets off and beat the dog sh*t outta her....but im not gonna do tha cuz he or she aint worth me losing my baby over or even stressing out to break a nail with that low life slut... And yeah shes married too with 2 kids of her own...can you believe that...? @mommmyx3 really your my age that makes me feel so much closer and more open to you :) thanks once again for all ur kind words..... @ sweetmama i know how you feel girl thats exactly how i feel dumb and soooo stupid for not realizing sooner...thanks everyone for your support
  • @3itsgonnabe if I was u, since u cant beat their tail, go tell her hubby whats goin on, if he dnt already know
  • I'm in a similar hubby Jus said he wants a divorce..n tht I should get rid of the baby and go home..(military) worst day ever!! :'(
  • What is up with.these jerks. I got 2 words for them bastards.. CHILD SUPPORT.. Ugghhh where do yall live?? Im mean and I will open a can on him, him, and her.. Lawd have mercy, I dnt even know yall but my blood is boiling
  • That is horrible! I've been cheated on and can't forgive and forget. It's even worse when you've got kids involved. Your marriage will only work if you regain trust and forgive him. That will take alot of time and effort. Sad to say, but a lot of women goes thru this and it never hurts any less. Men can be such pigs and that slut will get her karma! I'm sorry you have to go thru such pain.

  • @jessedenver thank you i know its so harf to go threw this it really fills like my heart will never open up to him afain only tmime will tell.... @karla im from bakersfield CA where are you from...? I dont know how to get a hold of her husband cuz believe me i would tell him everything......@mommy_rel guys r such dicks i swear....i hope ur ok im here to talk if u need me..... My bestfriend is a military wife as well i never see her anymore ...
  • I'm 5 months too & can't imagine what you're going through! How shelfish and shallow of him :( Years ago my ex was cheating on me with a co-worker. Worst part is we work @ the same place. He left me for her before I even knew what was going on. I don't think I could have ever trusted him again, but I'm not a forgiving person. Either way you choose, you have a lot of healing to do. Be sure to find time for yourself and always remember you deserve so much better than what he handed you with his infidelity :)
  • @ginmae78 thanks for your kind words.. I know i deserve so much better then what im getting with him... I just dont want my boys to blame me for leaving Daddy there so young they'll never understand why mommy dont want Daddy around....I think about it everyday ...The way i see it is Once a cheater always a cheater... Right now i just kinda pushed the PAUSE button im not gonna stress and have somthing happen to my baby because of his poor choices..... He tells me everyday hes sorry and he loves me only me...but honestly that just goes in one ear and out the other...:'(
  • I am going thee a divorce for the same reason I found out my husband was sleeping with women in his truck in his work parking lot when he worked nights.
  • @3itsgonnabe i think u are doing what u need to do. It would b so difficult to go thru a separation during your preg. After the baby comes you'll probably know if you can let it go or if u have to move on. U sound like a strong woman, sorry u have to go thru so much pain and stress.

    @bbymama17 im a social worker for children & family services and ur sister's story worries me. In some cases children can be taken away from domestic violence homes if the children witness the abuse. Even though ur sister is the victim she could have the kids taken from her becuz they can say she didnt protect them from emotional harm. I know that doesnt seem right but i've seen it happen. I just wanted to share that info in case she didn't know. Maybe knowing that will give her the strength to leave.
  • Thnx n ya its for sure. Jus a lil bit ago hr said "ill miss ur friendship, but won't miss you..Jus the baby." :'(
  • @3itsgonnabe im in Alabama. Far from u lol. How are u feeling today?
  • @mommy_rel what a jerk.karma is a witch and he will get his
  • @3itsgonnabe, you'll come out of this stronger than ever. If you can egt through this you can get through anything. You are doing the right thing by not stressing over it now. Worry about it later now that you have the facts. Karma has your back ;)
  • edited March 2011
    @abby5 omg om so sorry to hear wat ur going threw...:'( hope ur ok.... @karla dang we r far from doing ok today...just trying to move just sooo hubbys trying his hardest to comfort me but i just dont wanna hear it at all.....still dont really know whats gonna happen after i have the baby...;(
  • If the trust is gone, u have nothin.
  • Id take his ass to court and get major child support from him cause my grandmother alwayys told me once a cheater always a cheater...she also told me u dnt need a man to help raise ur kid u just need his money lol I kno she sound evil but she's seen alot of her daughters done dirty. There are plenty of men out there tht can't have kids n would love yours :) so hold ur head up high because your way stronger then he is, he jus doesn't know it yet :)
  • @newbie_mom I agree with ur grandma 100%
  • I'm so sorry your going through this no woman ever should. It's just awful but if I may ask how did you find out he was having an affair. And I admire you honey your a better person than I cuz I wouldn't wait till she got off work I would go to his work walk in a beat her nasty cheating ass into the ground. Idk what id do if I found that out id probably kill him :( all these stories just make me wanna cry for you guys
  • @3itsgonnabe - i think i spoke too soon when i said my husband and i have been doing good. everything changed today =/ i definitely jinxed myself!
  • I would say it makes a difference how you found out. Either way I feel your pain. However I don't agree that once a cheater always a cheater. I honestly feel like you owe it to yourself to tell him exactly how you feel and What you need from him to make it work. I would demand to know why. Not to make excuses for him because that is in no way my intention, but I think sometimes people cheat to feel better about themselves. Has nothing to do with you. Granted his timing sucks!!! I think you should give it some time and then take all of the love he has to give. You deserve that. I think the more you feel loved by him the better you will feel. It will clearly take time to trust again, but it will come if you allow it to. My best friend went through the same thing and its been 3 years now and their relationship has never been stronger. Good luck and spend your days enjoying the best part of him....... your kids
  • @3itsgonnabe....I am strong and ha e a great bf and wonderful parents :)
  • @mommyx3 i hope ur ok and i pray its not the same thing im going threw...:'( @momma2joe i found out by his cell phone theyve been talking by cell phone and texting since the 20th of febuary and i caught it march 3rd....:'( to everyone whos postef comments thanxs sooooo much for all ur support its been such a huge help and really a blessing that so many women in the world have thought about me in this difficult time that im going threw...<3
  • edited March 2011
    Cheating is not just a blatant assault on a relationship, but it can also place the victim at risk (and a victims unborn child). When someone sleeps around they are exposing the other person to who knows what. They don't know if that other person has an STD. Why don't people think with their heads and hearts rather than their groins?
  • I understand that completely. Those kids dont need to see that. Just the thought kills me. She is trying to get out and were trying to help her as much as we can. Were trying to encourage her to leave ASAP
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  • @usmcwifemommy101107 his cell phone...he was texting her...when I was at work...i found the texts and called her I asked her how she met him the stupid bitch told me I see him everyday at work...he worked at a resturant at the time she was a waitress him a cook...
    @2ndbutfirst I dont trust him at all this happen march 3rd well I found outthat day... it was a new job he had only been working there a month..the day I found out he never went bak to that job...hes been trying to show me hes in love with me reakly trying to get my trust back but theres no way....i dont think i'll ever fully trust him again
  • @usmcwifemommy101107 its hard to be with him I still think about it everyday...its soooo hard but hes such a great dad ti our boys and I know he loves me...istill dont understand why he did it but I dont think I ever will.... I did stay with him...sometimes I do feel dumb like everyone knows what he did to me...but its hard to let go of someone youve shared 9years of your life with...
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