worst nightmare



  • Ohhh no :O I'm so sorry ill be praying for you and your family god bless!
  • Im so sorry to hear that girl. I had a miscarriage last year. I was 9 weeks and i know it is hard but maybe it wasn't time for this baby to come. Just hang in there keep tryin and don't give up.
  • Wow I'm so sorry you have to go through that they only thing I can say is just take it day by day and take care of yourself there is always time to try again I am o- as well so I know the chances of mc are greater for us both of my sis had mc but now I 3 beautiful healthy nephews. So stay postitive and sorry again for your loss
  • Don't forget to take folic acid before ttc as well:) don't worry before you know it you will be expecting again. God bless.
  • I am sorry to hear this. I prayed for you last night, I miscarried in feb 2010 and now am 28 weeks, it will happen again for you. Stay positive. We also told everyone cause we were so excited, but having friends around helps so you dont feel so alone. I am here if you want to talk to. Thinking of you
  • Lots of love & hugs. I will keep you in my prayers <3
  • When does the cramping stop? I passed mostly everything, but I'm still bleeding some. Ughhj..just want to be done.
  • @katlilly so sorry for u hunni,i really know how u feel as i miscarried in november at 6 weeks and it was horrendous for me n hubby. I had told a lot of ppl!! on facebook especially, as i was so excited.and five days after i mc. My thoughts are with u sweetheart,i know it may feel awful now and that you will never feel better again,but trust me,as soon as you get pregnant again ot will lift some of the heartache.i didnt ovulatethe month after miscarriage bit got pregnant again the month after. Xxx
  • I can't even imagine your heartbreak right now. Explain to your little girl that heaven needed that baby more than earth did. Praying for you and your family.
  • I was cramping for almost a week the pain was horrible. Take something for your cramps. I think mine lasted a week because I didn't miscarry naturally. I think your should go away sooner. Hang in there.
  • @cali83 my doc told me to take motrin. I still don't feel right taking that. Its so strange
  • I know that feeling girl, it's a horrible feeling I felt so empty and I didn't understand why. And I still don't but we do have our little angels watching over us. And they will always be with us. I understand you don't want to take motrin try taking extra strength tylenol. most important take care of yourself.
  • I am so sorry to hear about your loss. There was no explaination for my miscarriage either. It's amazing how many people have gone through the same thing because you don't hear about it, but it happens all the time. Take care of yourself and hang in there. It gets easier, just take it one day at a time.
  • @kalvarez I agree, before this app I didn't think how much it happens. I guess its bc ppl don't talk about it. The nurse told me its something like 50%
    thank you for your post. I appreciate your kind words. I hope it gets easier, bc right now I'm doing everything to not think about. ..which is impossible :)
  • Omg im so sorry, the few times we spoke got a,great vibe from u u r so nice n god will bless yu never give up hope im here for u if u need me my heart goes out to u :(
  • I'm so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you. Hugs!
  • @elyandanthony & @mskrystal thank you! I'll be back ;) don't worry. Give me a month. It absolutely sucks. No other way to put it. I cried today bc I didn't get up twice to go pee last night. Who though I'd miss that?! I'm going to stay on here, so definitely message me for anything :D love all you ladies to death! Xoxo
  • Ok take care :X
  • @cali83 one more question :
    I just woke up to some serious cramping. If feels like half gas, half uterine cramps. So I got up to pee and check my pad. When I sat I felt another large clot pass and when I wiped I saw like bright red clots. I'm talking Crayola crayon red. I also had dark clots, but I've never seen bright red clots ever....did you experience this? The bleeding is also still bright red. I'm hoping (and praying ) that by Mon when I go for yet another blood test my progesterone will be Really close to zero. I'm so scared to have to Dnc.
    Sorry so long, had a lot to get out!
  • @kalvarez. Please read the above post to cali83. Did you experience this with your mc? Its just so strange to me.
    thanks for your help :)
  • @katlilly-hi hun, I'm sorry that you're going through this. It brings me back to the day and I feel your pain but unlike me you are so positive and I know you will be back in a mth:) yes, the bright red clots are normal as well as when you pee. I freaked out when I saw that too. I never miscarried naturally the dr had the insert the misoprostol pills through my "v" to make it come out. So I bled heavily with clots for about 5 days and the cramping was intolerable I was on motrin 24/7 to ease the pain. Stay strong and we will see you here in a month sweetie:)
  • I forgot to mention I did get my period the very next month it was just a bit heavier than usual and a bit more cramping.
  • @cali83 thanks babe! That helps a lot! Xo
  • @katlily- I did not miscarry naturally either. I ended up having a D&C. However the clots are normal, and I got my period about 5 weeks after my miscarriage. Due to the D&C I was told to wait 2 cycles before trying again. We waited until November to start trying again and I got pregnant in January, the second month (technically) of trying. Take it one day at a time, some days will be harder than others, but in the end, you will get the baby that you want. It just may take a little longer than you had anticipated.
  • @kalvarez how do you know if you miscarry naturally? My doc said it sounded like I was, but how do you really know? I'm 95% sure I saw the result of it. I'm going to get my progesterone levels checked tomorrow. Guess that will determine it.
  • @katlily- I was not cramping, and I was barely bleeding and passing very small clots. My doctor said that I could wait it out, but it could take weeks/months, and I didn't want to do that, so I had the D&C. They can also do a transvaginal ultrasound to check and make sure you passed everything. I hope you are feeling okay and taking things one day at a time. Keeping positive helps too! Will be thinking about you!
  • @kalvarez I absolutely appreciate you answering my questions, I know its hard to revisit your symptoms. If that was your case, then I do believe I will/ have passed this on my own naturally. I feel relieved to know and very comforted. I'm feeling better every day, but i still need a good cry, I know its coming....
    once all of my family and friends know and its all aired out I will be all good. My daughter took it very easy, and got a lesson in anatomy a little early (8yrs old) lol. Got to tell her about periods, and eggs, and her uterus. She just wanted to know how I knew we lost the baby. She also wanted to know where the umbilical cord is lol. So I had yo explain how itgrows with the baby and what a placenta is. Also made sure to tell her not to tell her friends at school. It was a nice experience, actually. I was really concerned how she would take the news.
    Anyway, thanks for all your love! Good luck with this pregnancy !! Xoxo
  • @katlilly:
    I am so sorry for your loss. Two years ago, I had a lack of fetal development at 8weeks and had to get a d&c on feb. 13th, 2009. It was devastating for me and I began to think that I was not going to be able to have children. I am blessed to be prego at 10weeks with my first. I tell you this story so you know, you will conceive again... in spite of all things, you must know that God has a plan for you and you will have your opportunity again. I will pray for peace, a speedy recovery and comfort for you.
  • @dawnwaarsbaby thank you :) that was beautiful. I'm healing slowly, still got some crying to do, but my outlook is positive. I am blessed with an 8yr old little angel and I know we'll have another (or more) . I really appreciate your support and your story. I think its important to share, one reason I still get on here and post. Thanks again hun! Xoxo
  • Im so sorry you are going through this. My sis n law mc in april 2010 and now she is 27wks prego. So it will happen for u!
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