Has ur water broke on its own .? For mommys who have more babies..

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
This is my 3rd pregnacy..with my first two my water never broke on its own..with my first baby I got my bloody show and strong contractions...so I went to L&D and my dr.broke my water... With my second baby his butt dident want to come out I was almost 10 months pregnant when finally my dr. desided to induce me..again went to L&D And my dr. broke my water...this time I want my water to break..i wanna know how it feels how gross it is all the beautys of my water breaking on its own...lol...has anyone else gone threw this...?


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  • @richjen24 do you want it to break on its own this time...? I do I want it too so bad..lol I did get my bloody show for my first that was gross I could do without that...lol
  • @praying4our3rd I'm so glad to hear that. I'm having my membranes stripped next Fri, and I'm really hoping it works..::)

    My water broke on its own with my first and it didn't hurt at all. I thought I peed myself.. lol
  • Lol...@jenzoe1 whats the membranes stripped for...?
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  • mine never broke. Im on # 3 as well
  • @homebirthadvocate really I always thought they did to keep the baby out of danger..idk im just hopeing it will break on its own this time...
  • @karla_with_a_k you too...lol..dont you want it to break on its own this time..thats the only thing I havent got to expirence I want it soo bad its sad....lol
  • #4th for me but only 1 time it broke while I was in labor n delivery taking a shower. All others the docs broke my bag. I did today woke from my nap with my first beaver booger! Woot! Making progress! Only 6days later lol
  • Yes I do. I want to go into labor on my own. Ive always been induced.. But I did lose plug today so im doin better than last 2 :)
  • Awww good luck ladies hopefully we'll akk get the gush of water run down r legs...lol
  • With my 1 st my water broke no contractions or anything just broke
  • My water broke all on it's own with my daughter, which is baby #2. I was laying in bed one morning (I was 38+2 weeks) when I heard/felt a loud pop and twinge. I got up and walked to the bathroom and sure enough!
  • This is my 3rd pregnancy. Was induced with my 1st, so the doc broke my waters. With my 2nd, labor was spontaneous and I was 6cm when I got to the hospital. My waters still had to be artificially ruptured. I've never even seen a mucous plug. :/

  • @bke913 thats what I want to happen with this pregnacy I have my fingers crossed :) ....@mya218 me either I want this baby to all natural as possible...pains labor water breaking everything..cuz with my other too I was pretty druged up...lol...
  • This is also my 3ed with my 1st one it ruptured felt like i couldnt stop peeing lol with my 2ed water never broke went n to labor an they broke my water a minute b4 she came out very funny to me :) hope my water breaks this time but either way idc i gotta be at work so prefer not to mess the floor lol best of luck ladies
  • Mine never broke but this is my third and I hope this time it does...they had to break my water bag both times in L&D.
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  • Mine broke with my first one....I was giving my lil cousin a haircut and squatted down n stood up n said to my aunt um I just pee'ed myself! I was 17 @ the time n she's like no u need to go to the er u are having your baby! I didn't have a clue lol
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  • my waters broke first thing with both of my kids. ironically, with both my kids my waters broke at 10p on a wednesday night, while we were watching prison break. freakishly weird!
    with my first one of my waters broke and the other just had a hole in it so it leaked for 10 hours. when my doc came in at 8a the next morning she had to actually break the other water so she could descend. i just leaked and leaked and leaked. forget pads! that wasn't holding anything!!! i went through all four of the only pants that i had left that fit me- including my pj pants. so i wrapped in a towel, like a sumo wrestler and wobbled into l&d.
    with my second, both of my waters broke all the way. i was getting up to walk into my kitchen and i heard a loud POP (i didn't hear with my first) and ran to the bathroom. i luckily made it to my toilet around the corner and over the toilet. so it all came out in the toilet and after that it was like nothing happened. so i got myself together, called my parents to watch dd, and we drove to the hospital :)
  • Mine broke by itself but multiple times it wasn't one big gush if ya know what I mean :)
  • My water broke on a monday after I came home from the doctors but I didnt know it I was peeing when it happen lol I felt a gush but I thought it was from them checking me but it only broke half way I didnt go the doctors till thursday and had her friday morning after they finished braking my bag
  • Seen on a baby story one out of hundred women's waterbrakes on its own or something like that
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  • mine broke both times on its own.. i have drs that arent apt to intervention.. right away unless needed.. good luck.. it wouldve more than likely broken on its own if the dr would have let you proggres on your own..
  • Mine broke on its own at 40 wks & I was only 1 cm. It broke in bed. I stood up & got the woosh! I'm pregnant again & I want it to break on its own again. Only 13 more weeks to go! (:
  • Im on my 4th baby and my water has never fully broken on its on with my 3rd I went to l&d with contrax and felt something running down my leg and has a small leak but the dr had to fully rupture it. Im hoping it breaks on my own but I will prolly go very fast this time last labor was barely 4 hours.
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