Wanting a girl...please be kind



  • @10BabyCaioAndMe19 im supposed to find out the 20th i hope ill be 18 weeks.
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  • We have 3 boys already and prego with our. 4th. The entire time it felt like a girl because its been the total opposite of my other pregnancies. I wanted a girl soooo bad and cried and was very bummed when we found out it was another boy:( After a few days of letting the news soak in I felt a little better. Still a little bummed cuz we r done with babies but I know God has his plan for my family and my posse of boys;) at least this is your 2nd and u can always try again ;)
  • I'm sure you'll find out by then. I found out at 17w&6d. :) good luck. I got wenis dust big I sure will send pink dust your way ----****
  • dont feel bad i was the same way when i was preggo the 2nd time around i think i knew it was a boy but i wanted a girl so bad that i pushed my gut feeling aside and made myself believe it was a girl until the ultrasound........i didnt cry bc i already knoew i was just dissapointed bc i still had hope lol but i came around to it after a week and got excited again i was just happy that baby was still healthy......:) it happens
  • Not true!! I felt like i was having a boy the whole time and a couple days before my gender us i had a dream it was a girl. And my little princess will be here within 2 weeks at the latest:) doont feel bad!! Theres no way you wont love that lil one no matter what:)
  • I kno this my first and my hubby really wanted a girl but we got a boy he was sad but he got over it I knew I was having a boy and I ketp telling him and I wanted a boy
  • I loved the idea of a boy first, but for years thought I'd get a girl then a boy. Once I got pregnant and noticed all the firstborn boys in hubby's family, I knew it was a boy. Tech confirmed, and I'm thrilled but definitely hope for a girl the 2nd time. Rather than risk possible disappointment even for a moment, I might avoid gender ultrasound next time and just fall in love at birth with whoever shows up... :-)
  • I'm having a girl and even though I wanted a boy she's mine and she's healthy so I'm happy and my hubby better get another job lol
  • Me and hubby tried for 13 yrs when we found out we were having our miracle baby. I wanted a girl so bad and felt after all the years of pain and negative pregnancy tests, karma owed me my little girl. When I found out we were having a boy, I cried at the us and for days after. Especially since I'm 31 and we might not get another chance. I felt like a horrible mom for being upset over such a miracle. Afraid I wouldn't love him. I know nothing about boys. Only girls. Caleb is 3 weeks old and I love him more than I ever thought possible. But I still get teary eyed and feel slightly screwed when I pass a cute glittery pink dress. Shopping for boys sucks! Lol!
  • @calebsmommie that seems hard to handle but i know u love ur son. ur also still young, and have at least until ur 40-45 to have another. theres so much out there now available. but i think in ur position i would feel the same. my son is 7 and i never thought id be able to find my true love, since i already had a child, or even having another child for that matter, so i guess that another reason y im so "worried" about wanting a girl. i wish u luck in the future and having a girl.
  • @calebsmommie oh and i agree...girls have so much more to shop for lol. cant put bows or tutus on boys lol
  • Don't feel bad about wanting a girl. With my first i wanted a girl solo bad. At my gender u/s i bought cried when they said boy. My mom bought jack-slapped me. I got over it. He was healthy and that's all that mattered. I fell in love with my boy.
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