I am absolutely AMAZING!

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
31 weeks and I just shaved my legs and yes....my VAGINA!!!!

Oh yeah baby! \:D/

Now if only @praying4our3rd would piss me a glittery star badge my day will be complete! 8->



  • @praying4our3rd SEXY! I like it! B-)
  • Yay!! Go booface!! \:D/ The last time I shaved my naughty bits was at 34 weeks, it was such an ordeal I decided it wasn't worth trying again lol. I'm getting a c-section now so it doesn't matter anyways.
  • I shaved my legs and cookie last week at 29 weeks. So yes, you are amazing. I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen from having to bend over. :)
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  • Awesome for you! My Hubby keeps telling me he's gonna help me but hasn't yet! Grr! I broke down and "tried" using a mirror but the dumb mirror kept getting foggy! I was like in there forever! Lol
  • Damn rain in my parade lol I was excited to be 27 weeks and shaving my legs and hoo ha I only hope I can do a half as decent job still when I get close to deliver :) Kyle won't do it for me he is a.chicken shit and afraid to hurt me lol
  • I am so jealous!!! I am seriously contemplating asking my fiance to help me shave lol :p
  • @rockinmomma I'm thinking this might be a short lived victory bc I just had to bend over to pick up my phone off the floor and almost didn't make it back up! :-$

    @misssunflower :)) I'm hoping I can keep it up bc I do NOT trust my hubby witha a razor and my vagina like @lmelanson X_X :O :-t

    @hiskitten LOL! As soon as it becomes too much trouble I'm just retiring my vagina all together! :-<
  • Wooo whoo, you go girl! My lil suga has dropped so I was able to shave my legs yesterday..
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  • Lmao @booface well said, its totally getting to the point where this girl is gonna retire the vagina too! ;)
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  • My hubby wont help me at all so I broke down & did it myself. 37 weeks, ya that wont be happening again till after baby. It took soooo long & made me have major contractions.
  • You ladies make my day! lol
  • Wow that IS amazing. I hope I have those skillzzz at 31wks!
  • edited July 2011
    LMAO!!! I read you title and was just going to put "dug!" But I shaved yesterday at 25 weeks and thought this might be it for the rest of the pregnancy, so yes, you are the queen and earned those stars!!!! :)
  • @kbg10 LOL! I'd rather have Ernie be a chicken than think he's too cool to amputate my labia!!! :-ss

    @caffeinated_Katie LUCKY!!!! I wish I had planned ahead! #-O

    @blessedmomma Really? Whoa....That's no bueno :( , but at least it's a change from the inducing labor with castor oil topic LOL! My next thread will be "Inducing labor by shaving your COOCHIE!"

    @alilboulding Yup, yup....I'm pretty damn fancy! 4 more weeks and you can earn a glittery star badge too! (*)

    @jellybelly1015 LOL! I may make myself a shirt that says "PREGNANT: Unless you can: tie my shoes, paint my nails, feed me, rub my feet, and SHAVE MY COOCHIE..... Back the F* up!" :D

    @claudia25 Shoot! Keep it that way! I hate hair but I'll live with it until I can do it all by my lonesome! I can just imagine Ernie down there.....F* that! A.D.D. , razor blades, and my precious vagina are NOT a good combo!
  • Lol congrats girl
  • Nice!!! Lol @ comment to claudia25... I'm ADD and sometimes I worry about myself O_o Hahahaha but I guess if I cut myself i can only punch myself in the face!
  • I'm on pelvic rest, so I think its safer if I keep my forest intact lmao! Serious, I'm gonna do some serious ladyscaping...soon lol! But congrats to you on a job well done!!!
  • I'm trying to get the biggest bush my doc has ever seen. Lol. J/K! :)) I can no longer shave. I just take the trimmers to it now.
  • Nice one lol my partner shaves mine and will be doing so closer to my due date. i must say, he does a great job
  • Lmfao!!!!! Ur too funny. N u beat me to it. I was gna post that today too. Tryna look down there was like looking over the railing of.the Damn titanic. It was quite a task. I'm only 27 n its already a pain in the ass. I even lifted up the belly to c if I got all the spots...all fat! Haha. BD is all weenie bout doin it completely bc he doesn't wna hurt me....he helped me 75% two weeks ago.
  • edited July 2011
    Hahahahaha! I think I shave mine all the time but i cant see it so I have no clue how gnarly it really is...I haven't seen her in so long I'm ready to write her a damn penpal haha
  • Lmao that's so funny. I'm 30 weeks and am stil abl to see and shave my legs and girly bits. My bf appreciates it. There's no way in hell id trust him to shave me. Although he has done a good trim job on himself so I don't think he'd have a problem. I'm hoping I can keep up the good work for as long as possible. Lol
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