New to this... And all I think about is making it to 12 weeks anyone else

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Im 5 weeks tomorrow and all I can think about is counting down the days at least to 12 weeks anyone else feel this way or did feel that way :-S


  • @eve, I was like that to, the first trimester was so hard & long for me, hang in there it gets better
  • Did u keep yourself busy I feel I think dream talk about it all the time.. Im making myself crazy... Did u feel better after your first appointment.. This will be my first. I had a mc yrs ago and im worried I also has celiacs and hoshimotos which is a thyroid disorder... Its all soooooo scary
  • Yes.. me too... im 10 weeks today and cant wait to make it to the 3 month mark... it cant come fast enough
  • At leasr u have 2 weeks I have 7
  • I feel the same way omg. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. Just want to reach that 12-14week range.
  • How do u stop thinking about all the time.
  • Did the weeks go by sooo slow or fast
  • @eve, yes I was real tired, sick, depressed, sad & worried. I spent all my time that I want working in bed. Lol. I had a mc about 4 mths before so I know how u feel. Once I had the 1st dr appt I felt better. Once u hear a heartbeat your chance if a mc is 10%, so that made me feel better. Plus the dr told me this time I was complaining if symptoms where as last time I didn't really have a ton of symptoms, so he said that was a good thing & to remind myself of that every time i felt like throwing up.
  • @eve... I do remember being where u are and in a constant state of panic since the last time I had a missed abortion. This one has been difficult for me, I found out I was prego after being diagnosed with painful ovarian cysts. I've had an ultrasound every week since I was 5 weeks and have had unbearable pain until 8 weeks. So, I do understand. My last us was last week, saw my baby's heartbeat, arms, feet and the doc said I could calm down now... and that my miscarriage rate has dropped significantly... what a sigh of relief... I can't wait until I'm 3 months and showing... I have testing next week, this is my first baby and I'm 34... goodluck
  • That's how I am too. I will be 11 weeks in 2 days and I have an appointment tomorrow. I'm terrified they're gonna tell me so many things are wrong even though I have not been experiencing anything out of the normal. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks and it's been going by so slow for me :(
  • @eve ... i have been the same way i'll be 9 weeks on Tuesday and until i have that 12 week ultrasound I will not let my mind rest I even had a dream last night about me losing the baby!!! Its terrifying and sorry to tell you this Im not trying to scare you but I had a miscarriage at almost 11 weeks and i had two ultrasounds and heard that heartbeat like 3-4 times!!! That's why I don't believe when they say that once you hear the heartbeat chances are really low...same thing happened to my cousin!!!
  • I have 4 days to go then bye bye first trimester
  • 1 week to go too I'm in the clear o=>
  • Aw, I wanted the rockin Smiley >.> stupid touch screens.
    Anyway, I liked to pass the time with reading baby books and websites along with this app that tells you what's going on every week.
  • To all of yall ladies that are freaking out about reaching your 12wk mark, I know how you feel. I am due in less then 4 months, being pregnant has been the best time in my life. Despite being por in the hospital 4 times for dehydrated due to morning sickness. Once you get to feel your baby kick, move all of your worries will fly out the window. So enjoy being pregnant!!
  • It seems to be going sooo slow for me too. 7 wks 3 days only 4 wks 4 days till 12 wks. I'm so nervous about something going wrong, it consumes almost every waking moment.. :-\
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  • i can't wait to full term.... :-S
  • I want to get past week 10 and then I want to get to week 12 as quick as possible
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