I'm bleeding. :'( And very crampy. *UPDATE*

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
It's not a lot of blood. And I'm not having contractions. But it concerns me cuz I'm only 35w 5d. I've not really had any problems during this pregnancy. Baby is moving just fine but I think I'm going to call the birthing center and see what they say. Anyone else bleed around 36 weeks?


  • i havent. i mean, when i had my bloody show/ lost my mucus plug obviously i did a bit. but yea, always call, just to be safe
  • Nope not me, thats scary
  • I called them, and they want me to lay down for an hour (I've been laying down all dang day!) And drink a bunch of water. I had no idea drinking water gets rid of blood....
  • They basically brushed you off
  • @babynumbersix That nurse did, yeah! And when I was answering her questions, she kept saying "Mhmmmmmm".
  • I hope everything is ok, I'm sure it is :)
  • I'm probably overreacting. Blah.
  • Honestly id call your doc and go in. I always say that the nurses don't give the best advice. When I was having a miscarriage they said they didn't think I was having one. And to not worry about and go to my doc appt 3 days later.....needless to say I was having one. And it killed me that I could've known sooner......so anyways.......call you doc, or just go in.
  • Hope everything is ok :)
  • I had bleeding at the beginning of the 36th week with my first and the nurse did the same thing, blew me off. I got into my dr the next day and turned out I was 3cm dialated. Good luck :)
  • That's what happened to me when I called today!!! I'm 35 wks 3 days an she kept saying "mmhmm" while i was telling her my issue. In fact, I just posted the story on what happened to me. I'll pray for you. Pls read mine and tell me if its ever happened to you. My family said "it's 4of July - probably brushing you off because ppl don't wanna birth babies today" I'm thinking IT'S THEIR JOB!!! lol damn
  • @fate- Just checking up on you. Hope you're feeling better.
  • Eek, that's scary. Probably everything is ok, but I would want to be checked out, just to be sure. Prayers to you!
  • Aparrently I'm in labor (it didn't feel like this with my other two :-? ). They said my cervix is changing. I hope they stop it. My lil stinkbug isn't ready yet.

    @BensMama, @JuliansMommy, @BabyComingSoon143, @LittleBuddy0811, @Bettymomma, @babynumbersix, @OregonMama
  • Hope so too hun, keep that baby cooking a little bit longer x
  • Are you at l&d so they can monitor you?
  • Lol. Yeah. I've been here since like 9pm EDT.
  • Have they given you any pain meds to stop them or just an iv?
  • @BentleysMommy They haven't given me anything yet. They had me drink a bunch of water though. I didn't even know I was having contractions. :-??
  • That's how it was when I went into preterm labor. I was having some period like cramping but they weren't contractions and I called to let my ob know. And while on the phone she asked me if my stomach had been getting hard. And I was like yeah? All day. So I had to go to the hospital and yep, I was in labor with cervical change. They must think you're dehydrated if they're giving you water, but if they don't stop, they'll most likely give you an iv and some nubain!
  • How far along are you?
  • I had contractions with my youngest and didn't know it..the nurse was hooking me up/prepping me(csection) and seemed dumbfounded but I honestly thought she was just "rolling".
    Hope everything is ok and will be ok.
  • Contractions are 3 mins apart
  • Well if it makes you feel any better..I had my son at around the same time... Because they couldnt stop the contractions and he had no issue.. So ill keep you in my thought and prayers..
  • Thank you hun. @luvbump :(
  • Praying for you x
  • Praying for you!
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