13wk ultrasound and genetic testing?

edited February 2011 in August 2011
Im scheduled for my first ultrasound and genetic testing on tuesday. I kno i wont abort or give up for adoption but just wanna make sure critter is ok. Kinda scared but i know my critter is ok as far as dr could tell wednesday. We heard hb and for a brief minute we gotta c the critter. My midwife couldnt find hb with doppler so she did a quick ultrasound to find out where hb is at and check on things. Everything was fine hb was to the left and thats why she couldnt find it. Is the testing very accurate???


  • I had this done at 12 weeks and 5 days, I met with a genetic specialist before and she explained how accurate the test is and how the results are given. I got my results a few days later with a chance of 1 in 10,000 chance of both down syndrom & trisomy 13 & 18. I dont know if it very's by facility but my dr's office said they only have a 1% false positive rate. I got the "full integrated screen" I'm still getting the 2nd trimester screening (triple or quad) because the 1st trimester doesnt detect NTD'S like spina bifita. I was told there is a 5% false positive rate with that test and 90% of the false positives are just that... false positives... Good Luck!
  • I go tomorrow
  • I'm actually on my way to have an NT ultrasound done for genetic testing..hope it goes well :)
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