my horrible day at the doctors!! **UPDATE*** at bottom- Ended up going to L&D Yest.

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
today i went to my doctors appt.. and since Saturday morning i have been experience bad back pain and its been constant and NOTHING has helped relieve it .. my doctor told me to sleep with a pillow btwn my legs and when i sleep lay on my side up against the wall and that she will order physical therapy for me .. then she knows i have always had chronic migraines almost my whole life but nowi cant take migraine meds. so she always told me tylenol , water,and extra caffeine but i told her that it doesnt work and sometimes it will last for days and i will be in excruciating pain since i cant take meds so she prescribes me percocet (umm im def not taking that and risking my daughters life) . then she gives me a note to give to my job because on my note that put me on bedrest there was no end date so she gives me a note saying i am off bedrest WTH im confused because she isnt the one who put me on bedrest the ER did because at 22 weeks my cervix was already thinning out and i was having contraction from being on my feet to much and bending and lifting and my job requires all of that (on my feet for 9 hrs).. and she didnt even check me to see if anything had gotten better so im confused on why she would take me off..

I told my mom all of this and now she doesnt like my doctor and said shes going up there to talk to her etc because my mother and grandmother cant hold full term all of their kids where preterm because we have low cervix. idk its just frustrating..

What do you ladies think SORRY ITS LONG


  • Change doctors
  • Yeah I would change drs because obviously she's not paying attention to your health
  • I would switch doctors too hun. How far along are you?
  • edited July 2011
    How far along are you now? I have massive migraines too they took my meds off the market but can't take em anyway. They gave mw vicodin for mine. I was on percocet demerol and morphine(only once) because of bad kidney stones with my daughter she is now a healthy happy 9 yr old going into 5th grade ahead of her age group. If you take the meds only when you really need it baby should be fine. Everything else I think she's a crack pot and you should get a new dr
  • I agree, I have changed doctors 3X!!! Sometimes you just have to find the right fit for you and your babe and it seems like this doc isn't cutting it! Good luck darling!
  • Thats what im thinking .. im going to make my next appt with another doctor.. im 29w5d ..

    @camommy thanks and yea smh'
    @ahuyser yea i liked her at first but not anymore
  • I have been on percocet for my last 3 pregnancies and my children are all fine. It doesn't harm the baby and they will even prescribe it while breastfeeding as it will not pass to the baby. But the whole not checking u before taking u off bedrest is a lil ridiculous. Btw I have a seperated pelvis, migraines, and chronic lower back pain that y I have to take the percocets but only one per day so I'm able to sleep.
  • @kailiasmomma05 she told me only to take it when i get a migraine and nothing else is working.. yea i thought that was crazy too because for all she knows i could have gotten worse a lot of ppl were telling me to go to the ER this weekend because i could have been going into preterm labor but i decided to wait because i had an appt today but i shouldve went im going to go tomorrow if the pain consist.. and wow thats understandable to have to take percocet for all of that
  • I would change doctors asap!
  • Change docs. And then also w the migraines. I take Fiourcet. Its ahhhhmazing. :)
  • Definitely get a second opinion and/or change docs. Good luck :)
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  • @mama_underpants Ill have to ask about that

    @sdherrejon @vette_devil im going to go up to my doc. office tomorrow and get a diff. doctor at least for my nxt appt

    @ashleyfew thanks..yea i thought it was a little off too
  • if you didnt read my older post about my back pain .. since Saturday Morning i have been experiencing bad back pain, a lot of braxton hicks and sharp pain . but instead of going to L&D i jst waited because i had a doc appt on Monday (what happened at the appt is above) so i go to the ER they send me to ATU because they didn't think it was to serious they all said well back pain is normal the same as my doc. but they hooked me up to the machines after i gave a urine sample. and it showed that i was having contractions they had me drink water and hooked me up to an IV that didn't stop my contractions. so they ruled out dehydration . then they had me constantly pee but that wasn't stopping my contractions and ruled out my bladder being full that was causing them. so the nurse called the doctor and she check my cervix she said that it was really soft and no longer closed so they started me on terb then took me to L&D . they gave me 2 more shots 20 minutes apart but they weren't stopping the contractions they jst made them further apart and not as strong and they said if nothing works they are going to transfer me to a different hospital that can take care of a delivery at this early gestation the doctor came in and checked my cervix and she said that was 40% effaced and im no longer closed but im not progression she could only fit a finger in and didnt want to keep messing with it so they sent me home on strict bedrest before i was just on light bedrest they said no sex until 36 weeks no driving and i cant be on feet or sitting in one spot for too long and to try to stay out the heat as much ..

    **WHAT A NIGHT.. MADE ME WANT TO SWITCH DOC EVEN MORE .because when i told my doctor how i was feeling on Monday she blew it off and said it was normal and took me off bedrest so imagine if i never went to L&D

    ** all the nurses there kept telling me that they didn't think it was anything serious at first either because i was soo calm and most ppl when they have contractions like that are screaming in pain .. i said i have a high tolerance for pain
  • So happy @ahendricks09 that you listened to your body and not the doctors. At time they have this arrogance of knowing everything or treating us as if labor is all the same for all of us. They tried to send my sister home bc they said she didn't act like one that was in active labor....well me being the older pushy big sister I said the hell you are! She had her daughter that night! Thank God I insisted, and thank God you insisted as well! Good luck and God Bless.
  • You can take excedrine migraine. They usually say no aspirin but I'm on daily aspirin. Ask aboubit
  • @ash1la thank you and yes i completely agree i think its crazy.. and wow thats crazy im glad she went in ...

    @Surprise_Due8_28 will do
  • That's nuts. Did you find a different dr?
  • Good luck hun
  • That is nuts! switch doctors. When I lost my son she kept teling me to take tylenol. Went to the ER and delivered him 6 hours later. If they don't listen get a new one. Good luck!
  • @sissylala something like that i have to go to military doctors so im just going to use a different doctor in the same office and see how it goes

    @Camommy thanks

    @ll10 oh i am .. oh wow thats crazy im sorry .. and thanks
  • After that everybody is making guess of when i will go into labor ..smh
  • the reasons i hate hate hate l&d!!! they always tell you that your over exaggerating when youre not! sorry you had to go through that! what idiots! i would be switching doc too!
  • @baby2dec14yayy L&D did more for me than my doctor but still ... and yes i hate that. and thank you.. and yea no doubt about that
  • Girl your making me nervous because all day long i lift and walk at the veternairy hospital.. im 28 wks but not having any problems that i know if yet.. i hope you change drs and i hope baby stays in longer...
  • @kritten_octoberbby dont be nervous just listen to your body.. ive been on bedrest since 22 weeks to preterm labor but my mother already knew it was going to happen because she couldnt hold full term because we have low cervix ... but as long as your not doing anything thats causing you any pain or concern .. oh and im changing docs my next appt is with a diff. doctor and thanks .. im only 30 weeks so i have a little while but i doubt she will make it to even 37 weeks
  • Good luck girl and keep them legs closed haha
  • @kritten_octoberbby thank you so much and oh they will be on top of keeping her in there me and my bf can't even do anything so .. grr it is what it is need a healthy baby
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