Help breastfeeding

edited July 2011 in Breastfeeding
I just had this long post written n my fone died so now long story short I been breastfeeding my son for a lil over 2 weeks at night hes very fussy never satisfied! My mom came to visit n let me sleepthis weekend I pumped milk for her to give him n he slept so good for her! So I figute he likes the bottle n mayb he wasnt getting enough frum my I started pumping n feeding himthe bottle, its been working great for him but not me, im only pumping 4oz at a time n thats wut hes eating so instead of being able to store milk I have to pump every feeding! Idk if my pump is shitty or I dnt havee a lot of milk, any suggestions? Its an evenflow pump btw..does anyone do formula and breastmilk? I cnt keep pumping like this


  • You should see a lactation specialist- your hospital should have one you can see for free. Your baby might be having trouble latching on properly & therefore not getting enough milk when he nurses, vs. taking it from a bottle. Also, if you are trying to feed on any kind of schedule, it's too early; you need to feed completely on demand for at least 6 weeks- the longer the better- so your body knows how much milk to make.
    I hope this helps. :)
  • @vette_devil thnx ..i was feeding him on demand he just never seemed satisfied, mayb it is the latch
  • I have heard it from a LOT of people, including my best friend. My daughter wasn't latching properly when she was newborn, but she was so strong she was still getting enough milk; the problem was that it hurt me like HELL & I cried every time I had to feed her! One visit w/the lactation specialist in the hospital & she showed me what I was doing wrong... instant relief! And I was able to bf for a long time. :)
  • I do both. I was pumping every three hours cause my daughter was a premie and couldn't latch on. I have a medela pump and it works great. The hospital rents one too, I was told the more you nurse or pump the more milk you will have. My doctor said nurse as much as possible, so when I can I do. Lifes so busy, and for the last three months I have pumped. Its so hard, good luck
  • @vette_devil yes it hurts so bad :( @MayBabyGirl thnx I want a medella so bad lol thwy so expensiveee :(
  • See I was told by the lactation consultants at my hospital that for the first few weeks you have to feed on a strict schedule of at least every three hours to encourage a strong milk supply. They also told me that until they are 2-3 weeks old newborns don't always do well with letting you know when they're hungry because of how much they sleep. I agree You should definitely talk to a lactation consultant, they're awesome and really helpful. If your hospital doesn't have any la leche league has a free hotline.
  • I would try to get help with latching because pumping will consume your life, literally. My friend had to strickly pump because her daughter just would not latch and she hated pumping every time i spoke to her she was pumping. I would try to see if you can get him latched on better because he probably just isnt getting enough, my son wasnt at first he actually lost weight but once I get him on right he was satisfied, well until he had a growth spurt and he wanted to nurse all day. I thought something was wrong with my milk supply but the pump will NEVER give you as much as your baby can get by just nursing because the baby actually triggers let downs.
  • @rockinmomma ...I agree at least every 2-3hrs... I think a lot depends on the baby; my daughter rarely went more than an hour w/o nursing, lol... 2-3hrs would have been amazing! ;)
  • I also had trouble with my milk supply with my daughter. Just remember the more they feed and the more u pump the more u will supply. Especially after feedings... always pump . I know it can be hard in the midddle of the night which is why I kept a manual pump next to the bed for easy extraction without the cords and noise.. I struggled though and finally when she was 7 weeks old I had to give her 1 bottle of formula at night so she would get full. Just stick with it! Hope this helps girl!
  • Even when baby doesn't act hungry... let her feed on you... that will help too. My little girl was attached to my boob every 15 minutes. Anytime her eyes were open she was feeding!
  • They are, but I bought mine on craigslist for $100
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  • @homebirthadvocate agreed! once that baby is on there all her troubles should melt away. Latching is hard sometimes I took me a good month to get it right but I mastered it, now I have to get ready all over again, however I left the hospital before they even showed me how to do it, when i pushed my son out they put him right on the boob but i didnt pay attention to how the did it. So i went home with a baby that wasnt latching right, it was painful and he was hungry and of course me I didnt buy any milk and didnt have a pump yet either. Hubby ran to walmart and just got a pump instead of milk too lol. The lactation specialist had him latched when I went in but then when I got home i still couldnt do right right, my friend came over and showed me and said her is a boppy pillow go to work. Best thing ever is getting help! i was ready to give up, glad I didnt.

    Take the time to see a specialist its really helpful....
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  • Thnx everyoneeee :)
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