No Morning Sickness = Boy? Lots of Morning Sickness = Girl?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Most of my friends who didn't have any morning sickness - had boys. The ones who had morning sickness (and lots of it, including myself) had girls.

Do you think there is any truth to this? I read a medical journal article of a study they did that said there may be some validity to this theory.

What do you think?


  • I had none with my girls x
  • I don't have any experience with boys as I only have a daughter. When I was pregnant with her, I was sick the entire 9 months. I've been sick this time too, but don't know the gender yet. My mom was really sick with both my brother and myself, but not with my sister. Who knows if there's any validity to the theory?
  • I had zero sickness and am 27 weeks with a girlie
  • I have 4 children--all of which are girls. My first & second I would get nauseous on occasion, but never vomited. My third I lost over 40lbs & put on Zofran I was so sick. My fourth I got nauseous maybe 3 times. This one (we don't know the sex yet, I'm almost 15wks, should find out in about 3 more weeks) but this one I've been super nauseous since the beginning but the past week it has eased up. Just every pregnancy is different. I hope regardless of the sex, that your child is healthy & you're healthy as well. Let us know what it ends up being :)
  • I had alot less morning sickness with my boys I'm 27weeks now and still have it also heart burn didnt have that with the boys either
  • It was right for me, I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was 4 months
  • I don't think that's true I'm 22 weeks and I haven't had morning sickness at all and I'm having a girl
  • AI was sick the entire first trimester with my lil boy but I feel great now at 24weeks :)
  • @MrsDelRae Thanks! I have no morning sickness and I'm feeling great. I happy about this because this is my last time at this dance! lol No more kids for me after this one. So I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest!
  • I was sick every day for the first 4 months with both my boys...I was sure they were girls but I don't think there's ne truth to this wives tale at all....
  • Im havn a girl, and i had noo morning sickness...
  • I am having a girl and have had no sickness
  • I've got a little dude on the way and I still get all day sickness. I've heard you get it worse with boys cause of the difference in hormones
  • With my son i threw up almost everything. This time its only been a couple of times but i dont know the sex.
  • I'm only 8wks but I have had no sickness at all. A girlfriend of mine didn't get sick at all with her first which was a girl and with her second she was sooo sick... it turned out to be a boy :-) I don't think morning sickness plays a role in the gender
  • Had a lot of morning sickness having a,girl
  • I had a lot of morning sickness with my son none with my daughter and none with this one so I'm hoping another girl but u never know I find out soon
  • I had morning sickness with both my kids boy and girl.
  • I've heard it was the opposite actually... I'm early in my pregnancy, and I've had a few nausea spells, but no vomiting at all. Crossing my fingers for a girl.
  • Im very early but have only felt the waves of nausea in the middle of the night or if I eat a large.meal
  • I'm 18 weeks wit a boy nd I was sick up until about 12 weeks all-day it was the worst ever
  • I heard it has to do with how ur mom was sick for her pregs
  • Well im having a boy and I havnt had any sickness. And my mom had sickness with all of her 3 girls.
  • It works both ways I think... I havent threw up yet! & 14wks idk no the sex but im praying for a boy... Lets c ;)
  • It wasnt true for me either. I have a 5 yr old & had no sickness with him. Nom I'm pregnant with another boy & I had bad morning sickness. My due date is june 8.
  • I have two boys and I wasn't sick with either of them and now I'm prego again and I'm always feeling sick! I really hope its a girl! Good luck with all your pregnancys!!!
  • My mom wasn't sick at all with me or my sister :P

  • I stayed extremley sick an im having a boy
  • ^ im with you im having a boy and I got so sick 5 months straight im 37 weeks now and occasionally still get sick with smells or when I wake up... :-(
  • I had no sickness w/my boy & none now that im prego w/my girl..
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