anyone due sept 16



  • I'm due sep 16th
  • Due September 16th. Just have headaches and breast tenderness. Got lucky and No morning sickness. Ready to find out if my baby is boy or girl. :)
  • @shibuyalove1 im in uk n had a scan at 8 wks due the 15th sept, got nxt one in a week or so, its maybe jst ur area?
  • What was everyones heart rate and how far along was u at that time
  • I'm due Sept. 18th like @newmami918... congrats everyone!
  • I'm due Sept 15th.....
  • Due Sept 15 w my first.:)
    I'm 11w 1d
  • I'm due Sept. 16th with my second. I'm 11 weeks. My baby's heart rate was 142 at 7 weeks.
  • Due sept 16 too with my third. This one will be tricky though, first pregnancy as a military wife.
  • somewhere from Sept 13 to tha 18
  • Due Sept 16 morning sickness finally getting better!
  • Mine was so bad its been gone for 2 weeks I finally feel like myself
  • I would feel even better if I would stop getting colds... can't breath! LOL
  • Yeah im trying to avoid any sickness I can
  • This is my 3rd one so far. Much easier to deal with minus all the horrible morning sickness ....
  • I had one cold in the beginning along with morning sickness all day it was a night mare. Is this your first child
  • No this is my third. First 2 I did t have morning sickness at all happy healthy. This one has been rough! When do u find out what your having? I have to wait till may...
  • The doctor didn't say probably April or may I have a apt Tue I'm going to ask then
  • I am due September 17th with my first. We tried for 11 years. The doctors finally told us that there was nothing else they could do for us. Such a miracle!
  • Awe congratulations
  • Is this strange, but since were all due about the same time...has anyone breasts swelled up? Mine have gone up 2 sizes./: but no baby bump!
  • I'm due sept 16th. This wil b my 3rd an were sooo excited :)
  • I'm due September 16 as well. This is my 3rd pregnancy. I lost my son last summer due to trisomy 13! Most babies that are miscarried have a genetic anomaly. My son made it to term and we had to pull his life support. Be thankful that the babies you've miscarried didn't have to be tortured in a hospital for 2 weeks like my son. This happens by freak accident some people are carriers and dont know.( I'm not implying your babies definitely had a genetic anomaly just giving you a piece of information that might help with healing over your loss) We had to wait 6 months to get pregnant again ( BC of csection) and had our first 2d 3d & 4d ultrasound at 11 weeks! Everything looks normal. I'm almost as sick as I was with last pregnancy but not so close I can get out of bed this time. I'm 12 weeks 6 days! I can't wait to find out the gender as Well. Happy healthy babies to u all :)
  • I'm due on 10th Sept with first baby. @mommy_in_sept I think my Boobs have stopped swelling now, but have gone up 1 or 2 sizes was a dd before so feeling pretty massive, also have a bump, but probably just because I've been eating lots to stop the nausea and i'm bloated!
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  • Congratulations.
  • I am due sep17
  • Im due September 16 with my 5th. Im 10 weeks today ;;)
  • I'm due Sept.16 to a baby boy! 17 weeks ;)
  • I go Friday to see what I'm having I can't wait
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