how old was your baby the first time they slept thru the night?

edited June 2011 in Babies
Just wondering when i will be able to sleep also... my son is 7 1/2 weeks so basically almost 2 months old and he still wakes up about every 3-4 hours for a bottle day and night


  • Ahh...good question! I would like to know too...
  • Oh and did any body elses newborns snore like an old man? Its crazy how loud he can be and i didn't even ever think about a little baby snoring but he truly does snore like an old man.. is it normal or could he have airway problems?
  • My first slept through at 14 weeks I really hope this one does the same. My first I also moved him to his own room at 5 weeks and he went from waking 3 or 4 times a night to just once turns out he slept better on his own and our noise was waking him.
  • it all depends my daughter was a couple months when she slept thru the night.. and my son woke up for a bottle till he was almost two! LOL
  • My little boy was eight weeks so I was extremely lucky but every baby is different so just go with the flow. We also made our baby sleep down stairs with us in the day with all the noise and then kept it quiet and dark when we all went bed so he learnt the difference fast
  • @cee808
    Omg my sons guna be 2 1/2 soon and he still wakes up atleast twice at night...How do u make it stop!!!!! Lol.
  • @0911MommyOf2 this might sound mean but the lady who does my hair suggested it.. lol he would wake up once a night screaming for a bottle so to wean him off the bottle one day i put a cockroach in his bottle. he cried, n screamed, threw it and so i kept it in the house for a while... and he never wanted it, and soon stopped waking up asking for a bottle because he knew he wasn't gonna get it. he was already scared of bugs to begin with.
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  • baby 1 night 1 breastfed, baby 2 within first month baby 3 4 weeks
  • n all 3 of my babys snore tgey are 5 weeks 3 n 1.5 lol
  • I did the rice cereal in the bottle and he sleot from 9 30 to 5 but I noticed he spit up afterwards so what we did instead was keep him up a little longer from like 6 to 9 and he sleep from like 9 to 3 sometimes son is 8 weeks today.
  • Since I started using bedtime j&j wash and lotion she sleeps from 10-4 then wakes up for a bottle and sleeps til 8 before that she use to wake up 3 to 5 times thru the night she is 4wks
  • They are supposed to wake up thats the only way to tell you they hungry but other than that sleep when baby sleep I know its hard my other lil ones either take a nap, get a snack and drink while they watch a movie or play in the room with the door close they're 10,5,4, and I'm due on halloween. I pretty much got them in a daily routine regardless
  • edited June 2011
    My daughter didn't successfully sleep through the night until she was almost 6 months old and through the night meant 7pm until 5 am, sometimes she'd make to 6:30am. Prior to 6 months there was always a feeding or diaper change at 9 pm, 11pm, 1 am, 3 am...from about 3 months to 6 months. She didn't start sleeping from 7 pm to 7:30am or 8:30am until 9 months. I was also working from the time she was 12 weeks old and had to wake her up to take her to the sitters house around 6:30, so maybe that's why she was on that routine. I stopped working when she was 9 months old. I breastfed her, not sure if that makes a difference too.
  • My daughter now 4, was about 15 months, my son slept at 6 weeks
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  • my daughter is 6 1/2 wks and has only slept through the night a couple of times. Just depends I guess but she'll sleep for 4-5 hours at a time....except last night she was up every 2 hours
  • My son turned a year old this month & still doesn't sleep through the night :/ I'm hoping it'll start soon!
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  • My son was breastfed and went through the night from 7 and half weeks. Hope I'm that lucky this time!!
  • My son was about 4 months old. He was breast and bottle fed. We did a little sleep training though. He was still getting up once a night to feed and we let him cry it out until he got used to not getting the night feeding. I think it took a little less than a week. Sucked at time, but was totally worth it in the long haul. He's a great sleeper now too! The doctor told us he didn't need that night feeding,but was just used to getting it.
  • my first was about 4mths he went to bed around 8;30 and slept till5-6 but that was great for me.. and my second whos 14months old now.. just started sleeping through the night actually when he was 13months i put him in a toddler bed iin his brothers room and it took about a wk and he was sleeping through the night .. its been nice.. i think some of it is training them..
  • My daughter is two and sleeps through most of the night from 10 to 6 or 7 I give her a sippy cup and she sleeps till 930-10 most of the time I don't get up but if she crys to much I give in so I can sleep :)
  • The NOT sleeping part is the only sucky thing about having a baby (i think anyway) that feeling sucks soooo bad. All of my gurls started sleeping thru the night at 3 months. We r ttc and every time i read posts about NOT sleeping i kinda dred wanting to go thru that again but all and all it doesnt last too long and soooo worth it. Hang in there mamas!
  • My son wakes up every 2-3 hours most of the time sometimes he stays up and he still sleeps all day but he isn't 2 weeks old yet, my daughter slept 5 hours a night from the day we brought her home so I guess they are all different
  • My sons now 5weeks and wakes up every 3 hours GRRR tests 3 hours from bottle touching his lips later ... after burper him and he ain't a good burper I get about a hour and half sleep before he's up again
  • My daughter is 2 moths n she sleep 6-8 hours at night
  • The toddler was sleeping through the night before I went back to work at 6w. I would actually wake him up to bf then pump for the day till he self weened at three months
  • Wow god sure did bless me :) lol my daughter started sleeping through the whole night since she was 4 weeks she sleeps at like 11pm then wakes up at 7am then eats then falls back asleep then wakes up again at like 12 or 1 :) I love it I get to sleep in and get my rest
  • My youngest slept thru the night since the day we brought her home and she was bf the first 8 weeks.
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