opinions on ear piercing

edited July 2011 in Health
My daughter is 10 wks old and we just got her shots this past Wednesday. So we decided to get her ears pierced. We went to a clean piercing place and they said that it was ok as long as she had her first round of shots so we showed them her forms and they pierced them. I took a picture and decided just to put it on facebook and now this one girl (who I knew why back when) is all like 'shes too young to do that!' And 'why would you do that to her!?' I didn't see anything wrong with it. I got my ears pierced when I was like 3 months old and I was with both my baby cousins when they were 2-3 months when they got their ears pierced.

So my question is: when do you think it's ok to pierce your daughters ears?

I understand to each his own and I don't see anything wrong with the people who wait until they're older


  • I think to each his own. I personally will not be piercing my daughter's ears when she's a baby, but I've got nothing against other people doing it. Its less painful than a circ I think
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  • I had my daughters ears done for Christmas she was born Oct16th......... I was tired of people saying o he is such a cutie I would give them the dirty look and be all like "she"
  • The younger, the better... my bby is 1mnth and she has her 1st round of shots MOnday. So ear piercing is next...
    Dont listen to her!! Its done nothing NOBODY can do! Your the mom!!
  • Personally I am against it. My daughter is almost 3 and I have another girl on the way I will not pierce their ears until they are school age and ask for it. I saw my niece get hers pierced at 6 months and swore if I ever had a girl I would not put my baby through it. And her ears ended up closing anyway. But again that's my personal preference its none of my business if other moms do it.
  • @vayanna ugh I hate when people do that! My baby has a lot of hair and I always have her in bright pinks and purples and really girly clothes. Her carseat is even a bright pink and people have the balls to still ask 'is it a boy or a girl?' Really? That 'it' is MY CHILD and SHE'S A GIRL! and all they say is 'oh well these days you never know..' wtf?!
  • @vayanna
    I thought about piercing my son's ears, but decided not to cuz people would think he's a girl. I'm just weird tho.

    People will talk crazy no matter what. I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 13, but I always wanted them done. Now they're gauged! I think pierced ears are really cute on baby girls :)
  • I don't see anything wrong with it. I got mine done at 9 and it was a terrible experience for me. And my sister got hers done a few months after she was born and doesn't remember it(obviously lol) so I think ill be getting my baby's done at a young age if its a girl(:
  • @bigmamak yeah it does seem a bit painful but she cried less than when she got her shots. I got my ears pierced again when I was 11 just because my parents wouldn't let me before then
  • My mom says the same thing about me wanting to pierce my daughters ears as soon as I can and I asked her what was the difference between poking them with needles for their shots and poking them to get their ears pierced? She had nothing to say after that. I think its cute when they are little with pierced ears.
  • @kayleigh27 I know I wasn't going to but me n my ma walked into Walmart she is wearing pink leggings and her pink fur coat and some lady walks past and was like he is so adorable I looked at her crazy like hello and said she she was like aw Im so sorry she is so sweet I just gave her the same look and was like thanks looked at my ma and was like that's it I'm getting her eats periced botd though she had really light hair and very little but the pink should of been enough clue
  • I am not against it and as soon as my daughters ask I will take them to have it done. I am also looking forward to making a mother daughter day of it :-)
  • I'm getting our daughters done too so I'm w u sista lol I have many my self so I wanna get hers done too
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  • I got my daughters done at 3 months. The Dr official didn't want to do them till 6 months but I wanted them done for her baptism. And I thought the younger she is the better cause she won't mess with them and easier to clean and song remember the pain she cried really bad but once I put a bottles in her mouth she stopped and two years later her piercing still looks good never had a problem
  • We have a tradition where the girls don't get their ears pierced until they are school aged if they want to. It's sort of a big deal because if they get their ears pierced, they can buy ear rings to match the school clothes. My mom did that with my sisters and me. I did that with my oldest daughter, and plan to do it with my youngest.

    It's a parent's choice. As long as the pediatrician says it's ok, then who cares what everybody else thinks.
  • 10 weeks. thats 2 n a half months right. hm. thats about normal time to pierce their ears. 2-3 months. I mean. u coulda waited. but there is nothing wrong that u didnt
  • My bby girl is 8wks and im just waiting for her to get her shoots and pierce her ears they say when they are older it hurts more
  • My daughter can get them when she is 10 if she wants them
  • I won't get Bunnys done till she asks for it. Mine were done young and I can't wear earrings now cause the holes aren't strait. Guess my ears grew funky so they are horribly uneven
  • if i had a girl.. lol.. im on my third boy.. i would get there ears peiced around that time.. you kinda want to do it before they grab their ears anyways.. i had mine done real young and my sis was a baby when hers were done.. she turned out fine.. lol
  • I got my daughter's done when she was 4 months old... she literally cried for about 5 seconds and that was that! :) I don't regret it at all, nor do I see anything wrong with it!! Better to do it when they are babies so you can take care of them versus letting them get them when they're 8 and "forget" to clean them!
  • I will have my daughters done asap if I have a girl. Is it better with a needle than with a gun?
  • I won't be doing my daughter's until she's old enough to take care of it herself. I think it looks silly on babies, but that's just me, lol!
  • I did my daughters when she was 8 days I know most hispanics do them the younger thy are because they don't complain as much. You just have to take care of them so that they don't get infected everybody on my family had or ears pierced at a young age but my opinion is the younger the better
  • I had mine does as a baby and then had my 2nd holes done when I was 7. I think its a personal choice but if I have a little lady I will get them pierced. I think its so cute.
  • I'm waiting till she can say she wants them. To me (my opinion here ladies!) Is that its a body modification (similar to tattoos in a small sense) so it should be her choice.

    I have my ears gaged, plus second holes in my ears two belly button rings, a lip ring a nose ring and two large tattoos. So I'm not against mods, just for her being able to decide what she wants.

    Tho I don't care if mamas get their girls pierced. To each their own!
  • I think its cute and they won't really remember the pain when they're older. Everyone I know pierces them early! My mom waited for my older sister to ask and she did one ear and said "ow, I'm done!" And mom said "ohhh no, you gotta get them both!" So she did. And when I was born mom took me early! So I think its your kid do what you want!
  • My mom had my ears pierced when I was a baby. I don't see anything wrong with it, though I see how some people would. But they shouldn't be rude like that.
  • My daughters were done at 3months I had a friend who's pedi peirced her daughters before they left the hospital. I'm pericing this ones ears as soon as I get my kit. I'm a cosmetologist and studex trained for peircing. Personally I think younger is better I had mine done at 10. Its easier to keep them clean for healing and they don't remember it and are to young to mess with them. I recomend finding someone who uses the studex system 75 there no loud noise and its not spring loaded like the gun so is more gentle no extra pinch its also cleaner nothinh that touches you gets touched by someone else first
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