when did u start your leave?

edited July 2011 in August 2011
I'm curious to see when others had their last day of work before baby was due.

I'm just shy of 4 weeks away and I don't know when to "pull the plug". I'm an infant toddler teacher and am on my feet all day, lifting babys over 20 lbs, going from standing to sittiong back to standing a lot, among a lot of other things. I don't want to be too much of a wimp but I also don't want to overdue it.. I'm already ready to take my leave but I know I can't yet. Just not sure when I should take it.

I have to give my boss a 2 week notice before I leave so I'm tryna figure out when to tell her.


  • I will be working until I pop. That is my personal preference though. I teach third grade and I am due September 4...I just need to get my classroom set up and running smoothly before I just peace out! Good luck to you! 8-X
  • Newmommy817 Im also a toddler teacher so I feel your pain. Im not due until 10/16 & im already ready! Im thinking 3 weeks before. I'd try to stick it out longer if I had a desk job but im swollen & sore at the end of the day now. How are you feeling?
  • @els1101 I was ready a long time ago lol. But I needed the money I have no saved time so when I go I'm not getting paid. Big bummer but what ever. I seem tp get frustrated a lot more because of the soreness and swolenness. I had my dr wright a note that I can't lift over 15 lbs. And this heat wave is killing me
  • Ugh sounds like we're in the same boat. Yep this has been an extra rough week w/ the heat. At least there's an end in sight for you. I'll have to look into a Dr's note. You're a tough cookie for lasting that long. I hope I have it in me at 36 weeks!
  • You are brave! I stopped working at 34 weeks I couldn't stand the painful swelling in my feet and ankles! I'm due august 2nd.
  • I don't get paid either and its going to stink. I'm due in exactly a month and I am so tired. And newmommy817 do you happen to be in Texas too cause I live in 817 lol and we are at day like 28 over 100 and I'm DYING!
  • No @courtneyproteau, I live in mass. Were not usto the heat.. todays was 100 and heat index of like 105. No fun. Glad my classroom is AC'd.
  • at 25 weeks :)
  • @newmommy817 I'm a nanny of 3 infant/toddlers and I'm 37 wks, I'm so freakin ready to stop, everyday i go home so sore w/ my back killing me, not to mention the sciatica.. but i can't stop until i pop literally. We just need all the $ we can get right now so i totally feel your pain,
  • @BellaReust I know what you mean with getting all the money you can. I work an hr away from home/the hospital I go to and I don't want to deliver at a hospital I don't know. I know it takes time to have a baby and ill prob have enough time to get to my hospital but just incase I'm putting that before the money.

    Plus my dr told me he wouls start "messin around" because I beeged him to induce me early. (He's leavin on vacation the day befor I'm due) lol
  • I left work 4 weeks before my due date
  • I worked as a dept manager in a retail store last time, so on my feet all day, stocking shelves and running all over the store and I worked until the day before I delivered. This time, I don't even know how I made it last time, I'm so much more sore! I'm still working til the end, my last day is 10/21 and I'm due 10/25, but I work 6 hrs a week printing signs, so it's a much easier job.
  • Today!!!! Grrrrr ....im 37 weeks and planned on working til he got here...but dr put me on bedrest today. Just cuz my swelling is outta control..im a hairdresser so in my feet all day!
  • I work for the school District so I was off last day of school.. had baby 2 weeks later.. Im still ion Summer Break til Aug 15! I DONT even feel like going back to work! Its soooo hard leaving my baby with someone, SinceI have NO relatives in my place... :-( It breaks my heart!! She will be 2 months when she starts staying at a home daycare!! Awfullll
  • @betty hopefully you found a good one. Advice comming from a daycare teacher... pop in at different times of the day if u can, some at home daycares are "different" we had a daycare across the street that all they did was watch tv all day.
    But if u found a good one then she will be fine. Shell have a lot of fun and lost of love.
  • I am due 8/8 and I left work 7/15. I have a desk job and I wasn't terribly uncomfortable when I left but I also didn't want to work until I was too uncomfortable. I was already swelling and having back pain so I decided to leave 3 weeks early. I also had a lot of emotional stressors at work that helped me in my decision. Not to mention, I wanted things to be 100% ready when I did finally go into labor. So I have been taking my time working on little projects around the house and finding room for all of the baby stuff-harder than one may think since we are still living with my mom and the soon to be 3 of us are sharing one room! I would encourage any mommy to be to leave when they feel ready and if I were working with toddlers then I would leave no later than 2 weeks...enjoy your time to yourself before baby comes :-)
  • im due august 7-9 (dr cant make up her mind) and i am technically still working. however i only work part time so its not that bad but i am lifting squatting bending and on my feet all day. im gonna take off only a week before lgoing back(hopefully)
  • edited July 2011
    I'm due on the 14th of Aug. I actually arranged to take my leave on the 9th of Aug. with my boss a month ago. That's when I still felling energetic, but things changed now. My leave starts today instead of the 9th, my job requires standing up all day and my body can't stand it anymore. I still have 2 weeks and 5 days though before my dd. I guess taking a leave at work will always depends on your body. Don't be shy or any, coz it's not only about you.. its about your baby. People mostly understand pregnant ladies. My boss isnt the best boss in the world but he understands my situation. Feel yourself hun, if youre body is really over it speak with your boss. Maybe you can arrange something with her. Good luck!
  • at 3 months... not by choice.. Dr told me if i kept working at the job i was at i would probably have a miscarriage due to all the stress that place was causing me.. So i went to work anyways and they screwed me over once again and i started to have a panic attack and ended up just walking out... tried to find a job but who will hire a preggo chick? now ive just been stressing about bills.... stress stress stress ahhhhh make it go away!!!!!!! lol
  • I'm 31 weeks with twins, gonna try to make it to week 34..I'm a nurse and its really starting to get to me. I'm seeing my doc next Tuesday and he's gonna check me and do more ultrasounds. I think he'll probably take me out then. He's already made the comment he usually puts twin mammas on leave @ 30 weeks..I refused. Lol.
  • let's see i had my last day of work april 29, when into l&d on may 1, and had my son may 6 lol so i pretty much worked until the end of my pregnancy but i delivered prematurely at 34+5
  • My due date just changed from the 1st to the 4th of August, I was supposed to be off already but due to financial reasons I have to work this week, my doc thinks my boy will go full term and then some, so I'm a little worried cause I don't get short term disability until a week after he is born. Now I'm thinking I should just work until the 4th...ay...
  • Im 36 weeks as of today, im going to work till I pop. Its helps the time go by faster:) and @courtneyproteau im 817!!! Arlington :) & yes its hot as hell in texas! When r u due?
  • My last night of work was thursday third shift and I have my csec today! I worked until 38w6 days. Im a nurse at a jail but my coworkers were awesome at taking on some of my physical work load in exchange for their light work so I was lucky :)
  • I stopped working at 30 weeks!
  • Urgh its not my job that gets to me. Its my boss and co workers. I have a lot of physical demands but I also have a lot more stress demands. Plus I just found out that I have PUPPS rash so that's no help. I wish we could find out the day we will give birth so we could better understand when to take leave
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