please share your stories of conception after miscarriage :)

edited February 2011 in Trying to conceive
Hi ladies! I'm desperately seeking stories answers and hope after miscarriage. I'm sorry to bring it up 600 times, but its part of ttc and there are plenty of ladies needing support and information! <3
Thank you!!


  • **also, anyone mc after iud removal?
    I got preggers after 3 months of taking out my paragard iud, and mc at 8w. Wondering if it could be related since docs 'dont' know why I did.
  • I don't think your iud had anything to do with it unless it was actually in there when you got pregnant. Miscarriages are just chromosomal problems mostly. Or very few times its how your uterus is or you hormonal levels. I had a blighted ovum and the dr. just said it was a "fluke" thing. There's really a slim chance that miscarriage will happen to you.again unless its the third or forth time it happens.
  • If it helps, I miscarried at 8 wks after having 2 children and I've had 3 since and one on the way... yes, that's 6... so no worries, it will happen when its time!
  • I mc last yr in march and started ttc right away. Im 8'4 d :) it took me a while but it def happened. Try not to worry too much it will happen again sooner than u think. Baby dust to you oxoxox
  • My first pregnancy was a miscarriage. I went for my first check up at 8 weeks (after I started to bleed) and they did an us and I was told it wasn't a viable pregnancy because the sac was empty. I went onto get pregnant the following year and was blessed with a healthy baby girl who is now three. Im now 7wks4d with my second and I just have to have faith that this will be a viable pregnancy. My first Drs. Appt is March 1st. Have faith, your time is coming!
  • I had a missed misscarriage at 6 weeks last may and my ob told me I shouldnt get pregnant again but my regular doctor told me I could but it took a while and I am now 5 weeks and I know this one will go full term cuz I feel different about this one
  • I had just found out I was pregnant and I didnt even get 2 c a doctor yet. I told my bf and he told his dad. my bf was even kissing my stomache. A week later I started having really bad pains n my stomache and I started bleeding lightly. So me and my mom went 2 the hospital and found out I lost it. My mom cried right then and there. I was in disbelief and I told my bf threw a txt. I stayed n my room and didnt really talk 2 anyone 4 a week. The second time I didnt even know I was pregnant but I know what it looks like when it comes out. I've had 2 healthy kids and im 37 weeks and 4 days now since those mc. I even drank with my daughter b4 I found out I was pregnant. She came out just fine.
  • I had a miscarriage 2 years ago, it was awful. Im sorry you are going through this. I felt like no one understood. It was so emotionally draining. Im pregnant now and I'm 11 weeks. I heard the baby s heartbeat and hopefully everything will be ok. I have a lot of faith. I wasn't trying to get pregnant after the miscarriage because it was too stressful.
  • edited February 2011
    As you know I had a mc last year in June. I was told by my dr that prior to ttc start taking prenatals everyday and folic acid that would help cleanse out my body and get it prepared. I had told my hubby that I never wanted to try again but I'm glad I came around and I think having mc made me a stronger person. I started taking my prenatals and folic acid in Dec and I got prego in Jan:) i'm hoping this time around my body will be more prepared and everything goes well. Good luck to you and take care of yourself:) god will bless you with a baby soon you seem like a great caring person.
  • I had a missed miscarriage in may last year. We unexpetantly got pregnant just 3 months after our daughter was born, but we were excited. Went in for a dating ultrasound and baby didn't have a heartbeat and I was supposed to be 10 or 11 weeks and only measured 7 weeks. It was very hard. I had a d&c and my doctor told me to wait at least 2 cycles. My periods went out of wack and I had one only once every 7 or 8 weeks. In august I had my second period. We got married in august and decided we felt like someone was missing. We said we would try for one month and if it didn't happen, it wasn't meant to be and we would wait for 2 years. I was on prenatal vitamins the whole time by the way. On September 30th we got a positive test! I was 7 weeks and 2 days past my last period. But only 4 weeks 2 days into my pregnancy due to my irregular periods after the d&c. Iam now happily 25 weeks 2 days pregnant with a little princess Amaiya Lynne and a mommy to a very active 13 month old little girl, Kaylee Ann!!! It will happen hun! Don't give up!
  • Ahhhh!! I had no service for most of the day! I was in the boondocks of mass. Lol
    Thank you ladies for sharing! I've been taking my prenatals faithfully :) we're going to try not to stress over ttc. I'm going to try to get back in the job market and relax about it. (I say that now, but if i know me...I'll be buying stock in hpt's lol)
  • I had a miscarriage 2 1/2 yrs ago we tried for about 5 months and we gave up the next month we find out were pregnant lol :) :)
  • Don't feel bad about asking these questions. I had a mc about 3yrs ago and only wish I had an outlet like this. I didn't realize how common mc's are. I honestly thought something was wrong with me and that I may never have a baby. My then boyfriend also blamed me. At the time I did A LOT of partying and drinking. He thought that was the cause. It wasn't until I started hearing stories that I realized I wasn't alone and it wasn't until I did my research that I realized it wasn't my fault. Being on here even after all of these years has also helped. My heart always goes out to anyone whos experienced this and I would never feel annoyed or upset with anyone wanting answers and insight on it. I'm 9wks along now and even though ill be on edge until I get to 12wks I can definitely feel a difference in this pregnancy. I think all things happen for a reason. Looking back I really wasn't ready. I'm in a much better place now. I'm sure you'll get pregnant again soon and by then all the ladies on here that are currently soon to be mommies will have plenty of advice for you. You get to learn from our mistakes:-)
  • I found out I was pregnant on jan 6th,. a week later I was in the hospital for bleeding. We lost the baby, didn't know how far along I was and hadn't seen the ob yet. My docs watched my HCG levels fall from 189(at the hospital) to 26 a week later and finally down to zero on the 26th. I found out 2 weeks ago I'm pregnant again. I seen a doc yesterday for spotting. She did an ultra sound and we actually have a sac this time. It was measured at about 5 weeks. My hcg level is in the 6,000s this time which is a good sign.
    I never had a period and I concieved within a week of my miscarriage being complete. PRAISE GOD!!
  • edited February 2011
    Hi ladies. I guess ill share my experience. We miscarried last year at ten weeks. It was a missed miscarriage and the baby had passed at 8 weeks. I felt terribly guilty because during the pregnancy I had felt terrible then suddenly around nine weeks I was feeling more like myself and was happy to get some relief. Well it turned out the relief was from lack of pregnancy symptoms. I prepped myself for the impending miscarriage and began It at home. After a few hours I was bleeding excessively and ended up going to our local crap hospital (that i will never go to again). They called the on call Dr who lives beside the hospital to do an emergency dnc. She was home but didn't want to go into the hospital and so I hemorrhaged for nearly nine hours at the hospital. My blood count was so low by the end that I was a couple points away from a blood transfusion and I could have died. That was Halloween night and I didn't feel physically like myself again until well after Christmas.

    I am now eight weeks pregnant and so happy but often very frightened. Being pregnant this time.. I don't feel sick like I did then but sometimes I worry that its lack of symptoms again. Like if my breasts hurt but don't the next day I worry. Once I'm past the next week or so I believe ill feel better but I'm currently at the time I was last time. Its hard to not worry... I've wanted another child since I had my daughter 14 years ago.
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