who are you going to have in the birthing room?



  • Sorry about your mom. It's good u have such a positive attitude :)
  • @coolbabybeans it is my family's loss, atleast baby will be loved by my partners side.
  • Me, myself, and I lol. :-|
  • Shoot everyone lol mom mom in law dad husband father in law and who ever else wants to come join in haha
  • @elle_baby. Aw sorry boo..if u were here id come support ya
  • @jcmommy your lucky! My bf is trying to convince my Dr to let him deliver the baby!! He's nuts lol I ask him who's gonna hold the camera then? And he's says "you!" Haha It'll just be him n my mom cuz I can't trust his mom not to bring a beer into the room just like she did w his sister .. id rather not have her in the hospital at all..
  • Haha. @itsfinallyhappening is it his first? He might change his mind after seeing how it goes. I kept looking over at my husband and he had the most disgusted look on his face. Haha.
  • It was going to be my husband, my mom, & his mom! But... his deployment got moved up & unless the baby comes early, he'll be in Afghanistan! So more than likely just our moms!
  • Idk yet I'm still debating about letting my mom n sis n the room but my bf will be with me for sure
  • My hubby, my mom, n sisters
  • Husband and my mommy! Dad and everyone else in the waiting room
  • My mom and my best friends ...2 of them...I'm not sure my babies father will b there he is a jerk and probably won't b there and if he does he will probably raise my already high blood pressure
  • Im thinking my husband and eldest daughter
  • @VictoriaB thats what I thought 2 but its different when ur there and pushing out the baby thats the last thing on ur mind.
  • I'm going to have my boyfriend for sure but im thinking my sister cause me and my mom don't see eye to eye and my sister is like a mom to me and she has been through this a lot
  • Planning on just my husband. My mom is way to emotional and a hoverer. Drives me nuts LOL my man does good. Last time though I was asked if a trainee could come in. I said no prob. At that point I didn't care who was there! Just wanted baby out!
  • My boyfriend n maybe my mom
  • Parents, best friend (baby's godmother), and the father (if he wants to be) :bz
  • Just my husband I think. It's our first and I want it to be a special memory; that we were each other's support. Our parents of course will be in the waiting room, itching to see our little girl (its his parents 2nd grandbaby and my parents 11th)
  • My fiance and his mom my mom will be there in spirit
  • Just my hubby :) my mom is going to fly here (washington) from ohio a couple days after she's born. This is our first and my husband is in the army.. He might not be able to make it to our next baby's birth so I figured it would make the experience more special if it were just us
  • I had mum hubby n sis with my boys I kindof just wanna do it myself this time just be.left alone although. I'm not 6oing to deny my husband being at the birth of his child
  • I want my husband and 2 of my sisters... Hopefully they will allow that :-D
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  • both sisters an my bf
  • my bf/bd I'm a private person &nd this is my first bby so I'm not sure if I want anybody else in the room, but I think it's ok if everyone comes in wen I'm done lol
  • I plan on having my husband, momma, and aunt. My aunt and I are really close and she actually helped deliver me.
  • Just me and the huz...I am a first time mommy to be so I want it to be just us!
  • Only my husband. And me of course.;)
  • My first child i had my mom n bd and my second was mom stepdad and brother. This time its guna be my husband his sister as we are close n maybe my sis n mom but im not sure bc they dont like my husband. Idk what to do with that bc i know my mom expects to be in there.
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