Welcome to the August DDC!



  • I am due Aug. 29th... first baby:) And my bday is August 11th, and my partners is August 16th
  • Due august 1st with twins :) but will probably have them around july 15th via c-section. These are babies 3&4 for us. Already got one boy and one girl
  • Had my first sonogram yesterday \:D/ it went really well and we were able to get a good picture after watching the heart beat. So amazing! And so exciting! We won't find out the gender for 12 more weeks but I'm sure that will just fly by.
  • Hi all! I'm due 8/17 with my 2nd. We are hoping for a girl! This will be my first with my fiance. My son is 10 so there is a big gap but he is very excited! I have been very exhausted and don't want to do anything! I can't wait to get past this stage. I haven't had sickness really bad just here and there. I look forward to seeing everybody's posts and updates. good luck to all the new mommy and daddys to be!
  • Due Aug 26
  • I'm due on the 4th! 1st baby the hubbs and I are excited!
  • I am due 8/31. I have 2 girls so I am PRAYING for a boy this time! This is my last baby and the worst for pregnancy symptoms by far! Sick all the time and it seems like my only escape is sleep.
  • Due august 13, had first ultrasound yesterday. Sooooo amazing, my husband and me were both crying
  • August 2nd (: ultrasound & the first time I'll hear the heartbeat is tomorrow!! So excited.. I haven't been sick, but I constantly wanna sleep! If I clean, cook, or even get readyy.. I feel like I've done a full days work! I want August to hurry up & be here, but then again I want it to go slow, because my husband deploys in October! His first deployment to Afghanistan :( Not really sure how I'll take it!
  • August 12th for us... First baby :)
  • I'm due august 15th third child I have 2 girls this pregnancy is the worst :-|
  • Due august 8th. This is my third and last baby!
  • I'm due August 2nd..1st baby.
  • I am due Aug. 8th with baby #3
  • Due august 7th with third baby.this pregnancy is also the worst for me
  • I'm due Aug 28 with our first child. I'm pretty excited, but I think my hubby is just too worried to even be nice to me! I'm feeling the same things, like peeing ALL day, feeling sick most days, extreme tiredness, and of course- headaches. We haven't told our friends, but my immediate family knows.
  • I'm due 8/8 :D
  • My due date is august 5th ....I can wait this ia baby number 2 O:)
  • edited January 2011
    Pregnant with my first & due August 24 :-) I just can't wait to see it and feel it kick. And actually look pregnant, I hate this "to much snacking" stage
  • pregnant with my first due august 9... super excited the bf and i are shopping for cribs and strollers and stuff already... we decided whether boy or girl we arent doing the pink and blue thing... cant wait to feel baby move... so daddy can feel like he's a part of it... :-c
  • So where r all the moms from im in ct. Maybe if some of us r near each other we can meet up and have mommy play dates, then baby dates. I dont know many people with kids so this would be cool.
  • edited January 2011
    Hello all & good day, just joined & figured I'd share, Wë are due August 8th. This is my first & So far my pregnancy has been a blast. I totally lucked up to bypass the horrid Morning Sickness symptom. (sorry for all who suffered) It's totally worth it in the end I'm sure. Much love & Blessings to everyone here.
  • Aug 8 th, feeling just peachy :)
  • @pretty we r in the same boat exactly...good luck!
  • Im im windsor locks ct due around aug 13 I hear a few of u r in ct this is sooo cool hope we can get together, soon when we can see over some of the 6 feet of snow we have lol
  • Am due aug 5 n super excited its my first I had really bad morning sickness but no so much anymore! Can't wait to find out the sex!
  • I'm due august 13 anyone find out there sex yet ?? How r u feeling I got sick and cravings goin in even tho I though the sickness was finally over
  • I wish I'm not due to dec 17, I don't think I will find out the sex until march mid march.
  • Im due aug 12th... The father bday is aug 10th and my son bday is aug 13th... Its going to be three LEO'S
  • august tenth: )
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