Baby sucking thumb at ultrasound!!!:-)

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
At my babys 18 week ultrasound we saw him sucking his thumb!!:-) Aww it was the cutest thing ever!! Has anyone experienced this with their baby?


  • I didn't see my baby sucking her thumb but I got to see her hiccuping it was adorable!
  • edited February 2011
    Omg how adorable!!:-) babies do the cutest things!
  • I still have my utlrasound pic were I was in my moms womb it was cute then I didn't stop until middle school the hardest habbit I ever broke in my life my mom thinks my baby will do it. Pray not >:D<
  • In my 20 week ultrasound, she moved her thumb right up to her mouth, & the ultrasound tech said, "Aww, she's gonna suck her thumb!" But at the last moment, she changed her mind & didn't do it. Indecisive already, just like her momma! Lol! ;)
  • My daughter did it she's 9 now and still sucks her thumb when really tired or sick
  • I'm almost 19 wks and just had my ultrasound and ha he was sucking his thumb too ha
  • And the ultrasound tech lady said he had a bad case of the hiccups but I was like how can you tell and she said he keep bouncing I wish I could've felt em
    Ion think my daughter had em when I was preggo with her or I didn't know what they felt like I wanna feel this last go round :)
  • edited February 2011
    Awww she sounds like a tease lol @artistmamma:-)
  • awww it's so amazing @zbutt_mom
  • Lol @lilmzpreggotinkerbutt that is very interesting I have never heard of that happening! Maybe your baby will be like you;-)
  • Idk@ as mommy11 its werid though I'm the ist in my family and this is my first praying for a boy cuz I gave my two parents hell and they say you get it back when u have yours :^o
  • My last u/s she was suckin on her toes...cutest thing ive ever seen!!!
  • At my 20 week scan, baby was playing peek a boo with me. Had both hands up to their face and kept flipping them back and forth. :-)
  • Thats so cute!
  • My lil boy was kicked back relaxing on his scan, arms behind his head, legs crossed.. cutest thing is, he's now 4 and sleeps like this all the time :)
  • My son had fingers in his mouth in the ultrasound :)
  • My first u/s the baby was sucking his thumb. And then the second one his hands were down and he was playing with his thing. The u/s tech was like that's normal boys have a fascination with their things even before they exit the womb. I was like omg I can't believe he's doing that, and my bf couldn't stop laughing. And I was like go ahead and laugh, like father like son.
  • My little girl has been sucking her thumb in both of my ultrasounds. She has also waved to us and snuck in a "thumbs up" - not that she knows what it was, but its funny! We call her the jumping bean because she's always bouncing and rolling around when we see her
  • my first son he was puckering up ready for a kiss I have the ultrasound its my favorite, he's now almost 5 and kisses me ALL the time! Im14wks with my 2nd and at my 12wk u/s he/she was jumping around everywhere and then it stuck out its tongue for daddy! Lol I was too busy watching my hubby cry and I missed it :( but I saw when baby was "dancing" waving its hands everywhere lol then it waved at us cutest thing ever! We got an ultrasound pic of baby waving :)
  • @lily_glz that's freaking adorable
  • My daughter (who's almost three now) flipped us off during her 3d ultrasound. I guess she didn't feel like being bothered that day.
  • My son had his legs wrapped around his neck behind his head...I didn't think that was even possible until I seen it lol
  • Every ultrasound that I have had of my daughter since 15 weeks, she has been sucking her thumb. At the one at 24 weeks and 2 days, she was sucking on her feet. Lol. Most adorable thing ever. She's going to be a pacifier baby. Were already stocking up on them!
  • Awww Congrats to all the mommys! Sounds like you all will have beautiful, precious babies!:-) God bless you all
  • my little girl wouldnt suck her thumb but i got to watch her yawn and saw her little tongue it was amazing!!
  • Mine did the same thing. It was the cutest thing ever! :)
  • Aww babies have a personality all their own:-)
  • Aww, that's so sweet. Mine never did anything. But going in I would always hope that she would do some cool tricks for us!
  • My little one sucked on his toe lol
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