I still have my utlrasound pic were I was in my moms womb it was cute then I didn't stop until middle school the hardest habbit I ever broke in my life my mom thinks my baby will do it. Pray not >:D<
In my 20 week ultrasound, she moved her thumb right up to her mouth, & the ultrasound tech said, "Aww, she's gonna suck her thumb!" But at the last moment, she changed her mind & didn't do it. Indecisive already, just like her momma! Lol!
And the ultrasound tech lady said he had a bad case of the hiccups but I was like how can you tell and she said he keep bouncing I wish I could've felt em Ion think my daughter had em when I was preggo with her or I didn't know what they felt like I wanna feel this last go round
Idk@ as mommy11 its werid though I'm the ist in my family and this is my first praying for a boy cuz I gave my two parents hell and they say you get it back when u have yours :^o
My first u/s the baby was sucking his thumb. And then the second one his hands were down and he was playing with his thing. The u/s tech was like that's normal boys have a fascination with their things even before they exit the womb. I was like omg I can't believe he's doing that, and my bf couldn't stop laughing. And I was like go ahead and laugh, like father like son.
My little girl has been sucking her thumb in both of my ultrasounds. She has also waved to us and snuck in a "thumbs up" - not that she knows what it was, but its funny! We call her the jumping bean because she's always bouncing and rolling around when we see her
my first son he was puckering up ready for a kiss I have the ultrasound its my favorite, he's now almost 5 and kisses me ALL the time! Im14wks with my 2nd and at my 12wk u/s he/she was jumping around everywhere and then it stuck out its tongue for daddy! Lol I was too busy watching my hubby cry and I missed it but I saw when baby was "dancing" waving its hands everywhere lol then it waved at us cutest thing ever! We got an ultrasound pic of baby waving
Every ultrasound that I have had of my daughter since 15 weeks, she has been sucking her thumb. At the one at 24 weeks and 2 days, she was sucking on her feet. Lol. Most adorable thing ever. She's going to be a pacifier baby. Were already stocking up on them!
Ion think my daughter had em when I was preggo with her or I didn't know what they felt like I wanna feel this last go round