august mommies roll call



  • I'm due August 14 with a girl, Emerie Leigh :) I want her out now so hopefully she comes soon!
  • @pooh22...congrats hopefully u will be n the hospital same time as me!... im having my c section monday the 1st
  • @tinkergal....good luck on your 2weeks hope you come by then :)
  • @tracieleanna20.....pretty name... i got my fingers crossed for you! :)
  • I'm being induced august 8th, 4 days before my due date with a girl named Leora Bree (lee-or-ah), this is my first but I'm working 12 hour days to get more money and its helping me get over the nervousness, good luck to everyone! Praying for healthy babies and smooth labor for everyone :)
  • @akmommy... awww you are tough girl! 12 hrs omg i would be exhausted! good luck to you too hun,
  • Lol, I get paid really really good to sit in front of a computer, but I can't tell you how much I want to just get up and walk out lol
  • I'm due Aug 30 with a girl her name is Tylee.:-)
  • @akmommy... oh okay well i guess thats not so bad... don't know why i was thinking that you were on your feet all day... now if i had that job i would be at work to:)
  • @akmommy oh 4got to say i like her name!its very cute :)
  • @honeybunny...cute name! congrats girl :)
  • I cannot even stand to be on my feet for more than 10 minutes so no way could I be standing up lol! And thanks :)
  • August 26 and I'm having a boy! Getting to the point where I'm uncomfortable so I'm ready!
  • GoodLuck to you also! :)
  • 15 more days till my due date aug 11th, I'm so ready to meet our lil Scarlett
  • I'm due August 5th with a girl - Jemma Grace! <3 I'm holding in there and she's definately holding on! Still 1cm, thick and high as of last Wednesday and I'm now 38 wks 5 days! :-( Thursday is my appt and praying for progress. :-)
  • @3rdangelontheway i hope so too i got ob app on the 1st so jus maybe she will be like jus go to the hospital
  • due august 15, with a lazy boy, Liam Benjamin....i cant wait to meet him....time has deff slowed down......
  • I'm Due August 22nd. I had a Doctors Appointment last week and was 1 centimeter dilated. Today I went in and she checked and I was 3 centimeters dilated. She also said the baby was really low and she wanted to check me next week as well. I'm excited I'm 36 weeks and 4 days now. Cant wait to see my baby Girl already and get rid of all this pain.
  • edited July 2011
    August 31
    Deion Lee-BOY!
    I'll probably be a September mommy :/ !
  • I'm due August 20th with a little girl Danika Mae!! I had a doc appt last week at 36 weeks and I was 1cm dilated! Ihave a doctor appt on the third hopefully I will be a four so I can go straight to the hospital!! I am ready for this to be over!
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