Well I found out last night that I have Placenta Previa. I work on a Maternity unit and I asked my PA friend if she could do a US to find out the sex. (Im 17w 4d) well the baby was in a bad pos. & it was super active so she couldnt see anything. She also saw that the placenta was lying on my cervix but since shes not my dr. she couldnt really go into it, she just let me know. This morning I googled it and read up about it some more. I want to call my dr. but the office is closed right now. Im not sure how to approach her about it either. Im hoping she wont be mad that I went somewhere else 2 get one done. Some dr. get annoyed when other ppl fund out things about whats going on without it being medically necessary. But I dont want to just sit around and accidentally go into preterm labor from not taking precautions.
Has anyone experienced this?
Has anyone experienced this?
i would call your doc and say you had a u.s. done and you were told you have placenta previa and want the doc to take a look.
As far as the Placenta Previa goes while I had her on the phone I asked her about it. She said its common and it should move up as the baby grows like some of you said. She told me not to lift anything heavy and refrain from sex. But honestly thats on the back burner right now. I just feel so hurt. When I told the father and my mother I was pregnant they wanted me to abort, and I almost did. I couldnt do it though, I really wanted this child, now I have to deal with this? I know the blood test doesnt definately mean my child will have it but just knowing its a possiblity is driving me nuts. Ok I need to calm down and stop overreacting. Im going to go and lie down.