Just bought my Evening primrose oil!



  • What's foreplay??? I haven't had that since I got married... I think I forgot how that works :) hey maybe I can use this as an excuse to get some foreplay or even booty period:) if I use it during sex and foreplay should I still do it afterwards or will that be enough for the night?!?! And thank you for all the advice and explaining all of this to me!
  • edited July 2011
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  • @firsttimemommytobe yep at night cause it will run out of you, panty liners are highly recommended!
  • @firstimemommytobe yea as long as ur 36w or more

    @second_time_mommy7 lmao who knows maybe this epo can make things exciting! If u use it during sex u can insert one before bed lol u cant od on it so its safe. O i forgot to answer ur other question.. its not gross feeling, its jus regular oil but it does have a funny smell lmao tmi but i gave my bf oral then rubbed some on him n totally thought my breath was stank lmao turned out to b the oil. But its not unbearable
  • @excitednewmom haha this should be fun... hope hubby missed me:) lol thanks again for all of your advice! I'm 37weeks with baby #2 and not dilated and my cervix is completely closed. It makes me so sad I feel like I should be almost ready but she just tucks herself away!
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  • Lol np girl i hope it helps u in more ways than one;-) im also 37+2 as of midnite lol last time o was checked was 35w n i was closed as well:( but i was only using epo for a week orally. I didnt get checked last week so i cant wait for my appt tmr. Im hoping i dnt go overdue this is my first
  • @firsttimemommytobe exactly. But u dnt have tl take em.vaginally if ur not comfortable, i was tlld they work faster that way but watever ur comfortable with
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  • Lmao @firsttimemommytobe grin n bear it girl. Or get somr help frm ur man. Im desperate so it doesnt even bother me anymore
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  • @firsttimemommytobe lol u will love wen he uses it, it wont feel gross. The way i get rid of the gross feeling is to insert it literally rite before i go to bed and after my last pee. Sometimes its hard to tell wen im going to bed tho:-/ i jis dnt move too much once its in. Liners will be ur friend tho
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  • @firsttimemommytobe i feel u on that but they dnt take too long. About half an hour i think, dnt quote me tho lol and np i hope it works for all of us:)
  • @excitednewmom I'm 37+1 as of midnight:) does the EPO cause you to have contractions? My doctor said a lot of women have complained about the contractions they get from EPO.
  • @excitednewmom you and me both!!!! Lots of dilation dust to you!!! I'm counting on this stuff. I'm so ready for my little princess!
  • @second_time_mommy7 yayy so ur due the 16th?! :)
    n no i dnt get any contractions.. maybe it can be a coincidence but idk anyone who contracts frm it

    Btw im having a girl too:)
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  • @excitednewmom Yay too bad our pregnancy is almost over (not).Yep I'm due on the 16th!!! I hadn't found anyone near my dd until you! I'm having a scheduled induction August 9th if my baby girl is not here by then.

    I'm hoping I don't get contractions from it unless they are labor inducing:)
  • I take 2 1000mg in the morning and 4 at night 2 of which are vaginally. I am 37 + 5 and last Dr visit I was still closed. I go tomorrow and hopefully the epo has helped
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