help??? urthera

edited August 2011 in Health
My urethra hurts. I think its a uti. But I have been drinking water n its not helping. It's hard to explain what it feels like.


  • Drink cranberry juice. Is it like a stinging feeling?
  • Kinda n its kinda tingling too. I have had countless uti's but I have never had this before
  • How far along are you?
  • I just delivered my daughter two wks ago.
  • Hmm. Idk then. Seems like a uti to me but I cant be sure. You should go buy some AZO & see if its helps. If not then it may be something else.
  • Sorry im not much help.
  • K Thx for ur help
  • llol. u tried. it counts
  • Get it checked out. I had that and I waited ten days before seeing a Dr and it turned into a severe uti it was awful. Don't wait on these things.(I got it a few weeks post partum as well)
  • ps I needed antibiotics.
  • Cranberry tablets r cheap. My aunt says take probiotic suplements. She bought me some cuz I get uti so often that the Dr wrote me a bulk antibiotic prescription, lol! Idk if they work yet, I keep forgetting to ask my Dr if I can take them while I'm preggo. She says they work for that and yeast infections.
  • Thanks ladies. I'm def going to make a Dr appt tomorrow
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