wats wrong wit my baby...HELP

edited July 2011 in Parenting
I feel tht I hav a good baby...he hardly crys n all he does is sleep...but for the past few days he's been constantly crying Idk wats wrong I'm guessing he has gas bcuz he burps if I pat his bck...and thn I thnk it may b constipation bcuz wen he poops its not a lot...can any of u ladies help me Luke giv me advice on how to help my baby poop and get rod of the gas


  • Have you tried a suppository (spelling?) My 2nd was always constipated and those helped or an anal thermometer with a little vaseline would also help. I was told to try both from his doctor.
  • Gas drops...also take him lay him on his back push his legs/knees gently into his stomach...make a game of it for him make his legs move like hes riding a bike then do it...could b formula if your formula feeding some baby's r fine one day w that specific one n next day its causing issues...good luck
  • I was going to say the same thing as @asking :) the gas drops with the bicycle legs always worked for my little man!
  • Wat kinda gas drops I was gona try sum I forgot the name but my mom said no...
  • mylicon drops i think they are called? either in baby isle or in hygiene area.if he isn't pooping well it's worth a call do your doc.
  • Growth spurt maybe and he's just being fussy? That happened to me for a couple days
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  • Has he had any vaccines lately? It could be a reaction to that - if so call & ask his doctor what to do.
  • Are you bottle or bf ? if bottle try cow and gate comfort. water and you can do a table spoon of fresh orange juice in an ounce of boiled water (cooled) helped my little girl alot. but now she's consiptated again :( and she spits water out so on the orange juice again! (check with doctor first) it may be colic ? i use infacol now which is a medicine that helps with colic and gripping pain. works wonders..!! good luck hun! Its horrid i know..
  • Gripe wateer helps also, you can find it in any pharmacy
  • edited August 2011

    OoMy bby was that way... dr prescribed over the counter glycerine supposotories... there like $2.00 a small bottle. Insert one whole thru rectum and like 30min later bby will poop alotttt and will feel muchhhh better!
    try bathn him with Baby Magic lavender bedtime shampoo... He will sleep good after that... Trusttt me! When mine is fuzzy, i bathe her and she rests... Shes been asleep since noon after a nice lavender bath....
  • @anni_n_baby thts wat it was gripe water...its n a blue box rite...how does it wrk

    He's not really constipated...I think he's jus a little colicy

    I bf and bottle feed since he won't latch but I bottle feed mre thn bf
  • Yes It's the inge in the blue box and there is instructions on the box. Worked everytime for my daughter. What type of bottles do you use?
  • when my daughter was born we noticed she was sucking in a lot of air when she feed and her stomach stayed hard. We switched to the platex drop ins and that solved our problems her stomach want as hard and she wasn't gassy.
  • edited August 2011
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  • Gas drops and try to burp him every two ounces it helps a lot more!!! and their tummies dnt feel as full when u lay them down. Hope it helps. Try changing his diaper everytime he is wet. He may be cold. Also, he may be going through a growth spurt: they eat a lot during those. but remember burp every two oz
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  • Try rubbing his belly too. Lay him down and rub his belly. Idk if he is to small to lay in his tummy and rub his back or not but I heard that helps too.
  • thanx ladies hopefully this all helps i think ive tried everything except the gas drops and burping every oz. i usually burp every 2oz. i have sum glass bottles frm the hospital i thnkn im gona trty thm i heard thy work for gas too...

    @samatha he'll b a month on sunday and he rolls over onto his stomach on his own...idk if he shud be able to do tht lol he gets mad wen his arm gets stuck n he cant get bck on his bck
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