From breast to bottle.. or both..

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
So my little man is 3 days old and I've been breast feeding so far but I am just getting so frustrated with it.. My nipples are killing me and I'm afraid that he isn't getting enough.. Really thinking if switching to bottle.. What is everyones thoughts on this?


  • Have you tried a nipple shield?
  • I did both as soon as he was out of the hospital he is a four month old baby that weighs 23 plus lbs. So he is healthy
  • I was thinking of formula and breast milk both.. I just didnt know if anyone on here was doing both.. its not only for me, its for my husband too so he can have the experience of feeding him too..
  • I'm doing both Hun. As of right now anyway. (I didn't have a choice) my sons 5 days old and while at the hospital I was told I have flat nipples. So when baby was still fussy after feeding I assumed it was cuz the latching issues. But I figured out very quickly that he was just still hungry. I'm not producing enough to sustain him and it was making his jaundice worse. So now I pump and mix my milk with formula to make sure he's getting what he needs.
  • Im doing both, i was like you, my nipples were horribly sore, and it seemed she wasnt gwtting enough. So nkw everytime shes hungry she will breastfeed for a little and then get a bottle. Btw after the first week you wont be sore anymore!! However i am definitely producing less and less. But shes almost four weeks now so i know shes gotten a good amount in there, which makes me feel a little better. I use the breastflow bottles, and they are fabulous! She is perfectly okay taking both.
  • I have flat nipples so they gave me a nipple shield and it works great. But my baby is gets more hungry at nite so i give him formula and during the day i breastfeed him.
  • I breastfeed, formula feed, and pump. It's some days a struggle to get her to take the bottle rather than the boob, but if she's hungry enough she'll eventually cave. And the nipples get better, promise!!
  • Try a nipple shield if u haven't already. If you can get past the first week you're golden. The first week is the hardest
  • Things have def gotten better in just the last day, I realized that a calm, quiet room makes things a million times easier for both of us!!
  • I breast feed, pump and formula. My son is 2wks and my nipples aren't sore anymore. They hurt so bad after 3 days when my milk came in. Don't get frustrated. They have lactation consultants to help and really do give the nipple shields a try. Also they also make cooling gel pads. Or even a bag of frozen veggies.
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