how many times a night do you get up to pee??**there may be an upside to this problem!! lol



  • For me it's worst throughout the day, than it is at night. I try to avoid drinking anything before I lay down, but it's like I'm always thirsty. I'm actually irritated that I pee as much as I do.
  • @sounique26 I'm just as irritated!! It's driving me nuts!!
  • About 4-5 depends...I hate it. N some times its jus a trickle...allllllllll that for that. So lame
  • Thankfully I never get up and go pee at night. I'm 32.2weeks and haven't had to at all but I'm definitely praying it stays this way. I've never had heartburn or swelling either, so I feel pretty lucky
  • So I just realized...there's 8 stairs going up to my bathroom from the living room. And 5 stairs going down to the bathroom from my bedroom. Between peeing every 30 mins during the day, and every hour at night, that's like 540 stairs a day. I should have some pretty toned legs by the time this pregnancy is over!! :P
  • Once or twice.
  • I go aleast 3 times sometimes more, and every time I feel like I'm barely gonna make it, running to the bathroom wakes up the babies then they start kicking and I don't go back to sleep right away....
  • @twinmamatobe Omg I can't even imagine having 2 in there!! How far along are you??
  • I wee around 30-40 times threw the day nd night at night around 8-15 times my bf gets kindaa annoyed but dont moan at me (yet) lol
  • @mummytuube finally someone on my level!! Lol I thought I was the only one. I feel bad at night because our bedroom door squeaks real loud and sometimes it wakes my bf up lol
  • I pee before I go to bed between 11-12, get up twice to pee, then go again at 800 ish when I wake up
  • Throw in some kegels on your trips and you'll be golden! :ar!
  • I will be 24 weeks on friday
  • @bigmamak I pee before I go to bed, about 4-5 times between laying down and actually falling asleep, and then 5-8 times through the night. Beat you!! Lol

    @blueberrysmom ugh I need to do those more but I hate them! Lol
  • Aw bless.. i just stomp around bcoz im tired i also have too turn the light on too check for anything down the loo lol ive done it since a kid :-) but hey as far as im concerned the bf should be grateful it aint him carrying the bubba for 9/10 months :-)
  • Aw bless.. i just stomp around bcoz im tired i also have too turn the light on too check for anything down the loo lol ive done it since a kid :-) but hey as far as im concerned the bf should be grateful it aint him carrying the bubba for 9/10 months :-)
  • 2-4 28^5 wks
  • @bigmamak I pee before I go to bed, about 4-5 times between laying down and actually falling asleep, and then 5-8 times through the night. Beat you!! Lol

    @blueberrysmom ugh I need to do those more but I hate them! Lol
  • Every 45 min im up!!! Think its just preparing me to be up with baby!!!!
  • that is insane! I would die! my mattress is currently on the floor cause we moved a couple onths ago and our damn boxspring dont fit up the stairs in our new house! We dont have the extra money to buy a split boxspring with the baby coming, our 2 boys bdays in August, and back 2 school shopping! ugh
  • @augustbaby yea that's what everyone says. I'm sure I'll be used to waking up all night by then, and I won't be on the verge of peeing my pants so it won't be that bad lol

    @bigmamak aww that sucks!! I can't imagine having to lift myself up off of just a mattress!! I made the mistake of draining the water before I got out of the tub the other night, and I almost couldn't get out! Lol!
  • its so hard! i have to get myself up backwards! lmao. I told hubby if we dont have a boxspring by time I have my secton oct 6 his ass gets to sleep alone for 4-6 weeks however long it takes me to heal I will be sleeping on the couch! I think he may just get a boxspring before then he hates sleeping alone lol
  • @bigmamak lol he better get one! The couch doesn't sound too comfy either lol
  • o my couch is a sectional with chaise its not too bad lol but I would prefer to be in my own damn bed!
  • My first trimester I peed all the time now in my second if I'm awake all the time but sleeping 2 times I sleep hard which scares me I don't wanna pee the bed or wet my self
  • I'm almost in my third now 4 weeks away
  • Im only 20 weeks but I get up about 2 times a night to potty
  • I drink everytime I woke up too but. i had an ultrasound yesterday I'm 34 weeks now and they said this baby doesn't have a lot of room at all which is probably why I have to pee alot lol
  • edited August 2011
    @bigmamak I did that with my first child and it sucked trying to get off the floor if u don't plan on keeping that box spring cut it an half an put it upstairs under ur mattress till u get a new one good luck. That's what we ended up doing it sucks cutting ur box spring but its worth it when ur pregnant lol
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