15 & pregnant

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I need help and advice too. I know im a strong girl but sometimes i need help too and i feel like no one around me sees it they always think im ok but sometimes i just feel like breaking down and crying. I lost all my close friends and i feel really alone most of the time


  • Hun this a great place for advice or even just to vent. I am 26 but I am here if you have questions or just wanna chat. I am ttc, but don't have any children, but all of my cousins are older &:had their children. a very young age. I have been helping them raise their kids since I was 11 sovIm pretty experienced ;)
  • I know exactly how u feel n sumtimes it's best to let it out just be care full who u take it out on I take it out on my man n he don't deserve it I am lucky he stayed by my side n hey if u need any one to talk I'm here
  • Thanks:) it feels good for someone to say that. I mean im having to be having this baby and i know that im blessed i would never take it for granted but sometimes its hard being soo young and no one my age really understanding. I think ive grown up alot over the last 2 almost 3 months
  • Oh something i forget to add is my babys father who i loved alot left me and that makes it so much harder
  • Ya but if he chooses not to know his kids that's his bad all u need is ur kid and as it grows ull see how wonderful it is to him it's a big mistake but you'll see its a gift
  • Yeah i already feel that way
  • Life is beautiful in the way that we can all be so different in age but yet be so alike with our situations and emotions. This is also when you will find out who ur true friends really are. Most of them won't understand because they are still young just like ur bd but hey you already sound very mature for ur age so don't let that get to you : ) Your baby will give you the strength to make something out of ur life and not make a lot of the mistakes we all made as teens. The only people that won't really let you down right now is your family :D Its okay to cry and let it all out we are very emotional and yes no one else understands fully what we go through. We have to go through some bad to get to the good. ;-)
  • @Elle_baby yeah all that is really true. Although it sucks im willing to take whatevers and do what evers so my baby grows up happy
  • I know I'm not 15 but I am 17 and I understand about losing friends. I don't seem to exist now that I'm pregnant but that's okay cause I know my true friends now. And its not easy but pregnancy is turning out to be a beautiful thing and I enjoy it as I get used to the idea everyday. But keep your head up because you have the courage to do what a lot of younger people don't which is raise your child. And a single mom at that. You don't know how much better that already makes you. Good luck with everything :)
  • I am glad u think that way! & then once the time is right I am sure u won't have any problem finding a more mature guy that is willing to take ur bd's place. Everything happens for a reason. God has a plan for all of us. Maybe he has an older, hot, mature, buff guy planned for you ! Haha. Oh the things we go through but in the end it will all be worth it.
  • @Bbymama17 thanks good luck to you too! How far along are you?
  • @Ellebaby omg i hope so on the guy thing! Lol
  • Hey I am 16 and pregnant I understand what is like to lose friends..but I have gained more by meeting other teen parents.. my baby's father is still here for me and im not expecting him to stay..so far he has proved me wrong and im thankful so far I have been lucky and blessed if u need to talk message me bkuneki@yahoo.com
  • But hey if u ever want to talk my email is leivasd@yahoo.com n my face book the same
  • I'm probably about a month. You?
  • Im 26 on 3rd baby... But I had my first when I was 15. It was hard, lost all friends and havent seen the father in 10 years. My son is happy and healthy. Also finally found a good man and getting married. Never get discouraged it always comes together in the end if u have hope! Also agree with bkuneki. I made friends with other teen parents who I still talk to today.
  • I kno exactly how yuu feel I'm 15 and pregnant too, its really scary but as long as yuu have people around that support yuu their the only people worth havin in yuurs and the babys lives :)
  • @ghettobetty I know exactly what you mean in terms of having a child at 15. I also had my son at 15. He will be 4 in June, and I am 19 now, pregnant with my second. It has been hard at times, but I've still carried on and done what I've wanted to do. I've been lucky that my family have supported me, and that my partner has always been there for me, even though I got pregnant with my son in the very early part of our relationship. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty because it's been a bit easier to enjoy this pregnancy since we've been together longer and are in a position where a baby won't put a lot of pressure on us. So I think us ladies who are young mothers are proof it can be done and that age is just a number! But I think it's still best to wait until you're at least over 18 if you can lol. :) Good luck to everyone! Baby dust and happy pregnancies. :-)
  • We all r here for u. I wish I had this app wen I got pregnant wen I was lil. I lost my friends they turn there backs n my baby daddy wasn't around. In here u can express urself n no one will judge u. Take it easy n wen u feel down starting written.
  • I was 24 when I got pregnant with my first-trust me, it doesn't matter what age you are, when you're the first in your group to get pregnant, you always lose friends. Obviously there are other diifficulties that you will have to face because of your age, but that's one that wouldn't have changed were you older. We may not be there to help you through this, but we are all here to talk to whenever you need it. :)
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