Naming My Pet Peeves... Join In!



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  • I hate when people forget to turn their blinkers off.
    Or when my cousin comes to visit with her baby and one diaper bag and everyone jumps to help her, but there I am with a baby pregnant and carrying eight bags and you just watch me.
    and ive gotten really annoyed with peoples bad spelling and lack of manners lately
  • @bigtalkingtori lol maybe his are the silent but deadly ones lol but its the opposite for us he farts anywhere and i try to do it alone and if they smell I blame it on the baby and tell him she has ur farts lol
  • @uscmcwifemommy101170 my favorite is when I ask my husband what do you want for dinner and he says I don't care and thn when I cook it he says I didn't want that! Really....cook it yourself! Problem solved! mother always said mommys baby daddies maybe! Lol My boy. Is easy but he sure in the hell keeps me on my toes! My family its 3 girls and 1 boy! I am happy with my one boy he is more than enough....
  • 1. Funky men ... Men should smell delcious

    2. If you have gingervitas and all in my face.. yuck!

    3. Lil kids that play outside all day and come in smelling like wet dogs.. yuck, go take a shower.

    4. People always wanna brag about themselves... Be humble why don't you and who cares anyway.

    5. Parents constantly telling their kids to stop... Stop.. don't do that.. don't make me get up... I'm not gonna tell you again.. I said stop.. (get your ass up and POP your kid.. they'll stop then) I'm not an avocate of spanking kids but if I gotta hear your mom/dad telling that many times... You need a butt whooping!
  • My bf always changes the radio station in my car when he gets in or plugs in his ipod and turns it up really loud, like I wasn't listening to something already?

    people who cut you off right before a red light or ride your ass when you're already going five over the speed limit

    People who leave dishes in the sink covered in food when the dishwasher is RIGHT THERE, I don't want to touch your nasty dishes!

    When people grab my stomache and tell me how big it is een though I gie them a death glare and say don't touch me

    When people leave trash in my car or in my house when they leave

    When my bf makes annoying sounds in my ear right after I wake up

    People who touch my butt.. it happens more often then you would think

    Anyone who says anything about how big my boobs are like I've never noticed or something.. (I've always had big boobs) "dude you have really big boobs, they're huge!" Oh my god no way! Thanks for letting me know!

    Just people in general haha I've turned into a hater
  • OMG I do so many of these things! Thanks ladies I didn't know I wasso annoying :)
  • 1) people who let their kids act insane in the store.
    2) cell phones going off in the movie theater or people having a freaking conversation during a movie.
    3) when the sales people ATTACK you while you're trying to shop and wont just leave you alone. Yes I knew there was a sale, I can find my own pants, and I dont need you to hold it for me.
    4) my mother in law. Enough said.
    5) when my husband leaves for work in the morning and shuts off the air conditioner in our room. HELLO! I'm still trying to sleep!
  • I hate when people burp out loud gross!
  • 1. Husband leaving toilet seat up. Put it How you found it!
    2. When my husband changes a diaper, he sets It (not even folds it up) wipes and all on TOP of the damn diaper genie. Really? Fold the damn thing so its not all open and throw it in. Not a difficult concept.
    3. People that are mean and then put on a face in public")!
  • 1) My husband leaving dirty socks on the floor in the living room.
    2) People who keep the toilet seat up. My husband and his buddies do this all the time! I'm like"pregnant here! I don't wanna have to examine the toilet before I pee!"
    3) My ex husband saying I am trying to kick him out of our son's life by putting him in the school next to me, but he never did school activities last year when the school was close to him so I just made it easier for me this year.
    4) people asking if I'm liking this hour weather! Its hot and I'm pregnant! I hate this nasty weather!
  • Ok got 5! We rented video games,, not my thing but my son loves to play. So thought step dad would do it. Nope he went down stairs on the computer & left me to do this crap!
  • 1.) People walking around the house with shoes on.
    2.) My boys leaving the toilet seats up lol.
    3.) People reaching over my food and drinks.
  • When people get up from the table while steal eating/with food in their mouth. Fghj
  • I hate that my apartment has bugs! They were here before I moved in, but people think they're only there because I'm dirty or something. I've never lived in a place that had anything worse than little black ants on occasion. These bugs have traumatized me. While I was cleaning the kitchen, one jumped at me when I picked up some bananas that had gone bad. It scared me so much that I screamed and jumped backwards. My poor stepson and husband got all freaked out when I screamed. :)) About 15 minutes later, my husband squished one that was RIGHT FREAKING NEXT TO MY FEET!!!!!! GROSS!!!!!!!! :((
    We're going to buy glue traps tomorrow and hopefully that will kill all the little bastards!
  • @victoriab what kind of bugs? :0& We have a huge ant infestation currently. Ridiculously traumatizing. I feel your pain!
  • Ugh. When roommate has people over. It's 3am. I want to go to sleep. Uck!!

    He didn't ask me, he asked BD. I was right there! I asked who was coming over. No one answered. Thanks guys. I wanna punch someone!

    Granted. Not as bad as it was at our last place when the same roommate would throw huge parties and not tell us until it was already happening. New years 2010, one of his friends got so drunk that he broke our toilet seat, unplugged BD's computer, and knocked over his guitars. What a jerk...

    I freaking hate living here!
  • edited August 2011
    Tried to clean up downstairs so I could go to sleep. No such luck.

    Plates left in the living room and on the floor. Hello! We have ants! This is as far as I got before I noticed the rest of the mess.

    The whole downstairs smells like hookah. Normally I wouldn't care... back when I was 17!

    Alcohol and drinks left in the living room and the kitchen. Again. Ants, dumbass.

    My cereal is missing (this is completely random but this is the second time today I've had an issue with where the cereal is...).

    And the idiot left the oven on.


    I'm suck sleeping upstairs. With ants. I'm fuming.

    On top of that, all I want to do is go to sleep, and BD is playing video games. With his surround sound on. As well as the sub.

    I want to throw shit at everyone!

  • I can't stand when anyone leaves the shower curtain open ugh it bugs the shit outa me !!

    When the closet doors are open

    When a show comes on that I been waiting for for a week and my mom comes in my room to talk about life and she gets mad when I tell her I been waiting for it.. ugh

    Recently I hate noise for some reason, it really bothers me

    When people don't clean there plate off the table

    When people don't use their blinkers ugh so irritating
  • People abusing the welfare system
  • Cockroaches! The nastiest of them all!
  • @victoriab agreed! I've had to live with those too. :( I hope you don't have to live there much longer. The only way to get rid of them is with an exterminator, but in an apartment building, they just come right back. :0&

    Have you thought of calling the health department?
  • @VictoriaB omg. While I was talking to my bf a couple days ago. He was like "ewww!" And stepped on a big ass reach that was next to my feet. I screamed and jumped my big self on the bed.
  • @bigtalkingtori
    I'm thinking we'll probably end up living here for another year or so, but I'd like to move to a 2 bedroom before then. I'm just gonna buy some traps to try to keep them under control.
    Gross! That's just what happened to me! Ugh, I hate them!
  • @victoriab As long as there is some control over it, I think that's what counts. :)
  • When my roommate doesn't wash his hands after using the restroom. I wanted to yell at him really hardcore just now. ~X(
  • I was looking for this thread this morning!!!!
    I have a new one....

    When my daughter grinds her teeth in her sleep %-( .....Drives me frickin crazy.
  • @armywife3 I did that when I was little. Dont know why or when it stopped. I made BD start wearing his retainer again because he does it all the time. It's like nails on a chalk board, am I right??
  • @bigtalkingtori ...Ugh...I sleep hard and it wakes me up everytime!!! My oldest started doing it and now my youngest daughter does it...I bought those mouth guards but when they wake up, they're on the bed or on the floor behind the bed X(
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