20 more dayyyyyyssss !...

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
The end is almost near omg thank god this I my 3rd n last bby but it has been a wonderfull expirence even with the swelling back pain insomnia restles leg syndrome and alll the other pregnancy side effects but I m sooo ready to pop lol I'm like omg hurry up already haha my 1st baby boy awwww how many days weeks do u guys have letf o btw besides the side effect that have been killing omg this weather I live in dallas tx and woooo it hot 10 times more when being prego I think he guna come soon then expected I hope


  • I've only got 17 days till due date and thus us our first. I can't wait!!!

    And I feel you on the heat! I live in FL so its super hot and humid! I used to live in TX and I know its hot and humid there too lol
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  • I have 13 days left, my Baby Girl is measuring 2weeks ahead, & I'm not dilated at all! I'm sooo over this Pregnancy. lOl My 38week3days Appt. is Tues. & I'm also hoping for some good News.
  • 18 more days for me! Im sooooo ready too, I've been walking n doing everything else to help u have an easy labor but im in no rush anymore, im just gonna let him come when he is ready, hell I've already waited this long, what's a couple more days? Lol
  • My due in 28 days my baby boy is measuring 2 weeks ahead because of gestational diabetics doctor says I'm definetly not going to wait to the 40 weeks max is 39. I'm having a lot of soreness in my vagina (tmi) its my first an I'm scared. Lol
  • 131 days left :( I wish it was lower!!
  • I also have 20 days. It seems like I'll be pregnant for an eternity longer, but when I look at it from a different side I tell myself I'll have my little man in arms in just 20 DAYS!!
  • 38 days left til my c section. Can't wait.
  • 25 until my c section yay!!!! Good luck ladies! ! >:D<
  • Aw I have 85 days left.. At least its under 100! Phew :)
  • Haha we'll idk my back has been killing me but I don't think its contractions lol I'm soooo excited and yes the heat is crazy yestrday we had our first rain fall for thiss summer this is my 3rd baby but 1 st boy yay . I haven't got checked to see if I'm efcfaced dialated o any of that lol but wed well see ill ke y'all postd
  • 89 days :-( I'm ready to be done already!
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