How many weeks are u? I insert 4 epoc, 500 mg. tablets into my vagina everynight before bed. Wouldnt recommend co bc my drs tell me the baby could have their first bm before they are born, which is not good! Plus it makes u feel like crap!
I insert mine as far as I can reach. Make sure too wear a panty liner because it will leak a bit. Ive been using epo since almost 37 weeks and ill be 39 tomorrow, hasn't really helped much I amg effaced though.
Im a FTM...but my midwife recommended the epo to thin out my cervix. It has prostaglandins which are also present in sperm--they help thin you out. It wony induce labor though just makes it easier when dilating. Use it until you go into labor. I started Thursday when I reached 37 weeks.
@homebirthadvocate is correct ladies. Although I have no personal experience with either, I've done plenty of reading on my own. I may consider epo when I reach that time, but there is no way I will ever attempt CO. Some may say that if I had to sit overdue I would be tempted, but I went 8 days overdue with my son and not once did I ever consider CO. Being overdue was plenty uncomfortable without the thought of pooing my brains out. lol