He is here!

edited August 2011 in Giving birth
August 14th 2011. At 5:22 am. He weighed 7 lbs 3.6 oz :D
It was a LONG! FUSTRATING day. Thanks @Fashion_Junky91 & @mamma0811
to the rest here is my story,,
Came to L&D at around 12:30 pm
They had me walk for about an hour, at 2pm I got sent back home cause I was stuck at 3cm.
So I got home did some cleaning and ate. My contractions started getting stronger and closer waited until 6:30 pm and came back to l&d.
Had me walk for another hourvat 8:30 was checked again and was almost a 4
FINALLY got admitted at 9 & got my iv and all.
At 11:00pm got my epidural :D
Got checkEd again at 12 & I was barely going into a 5.


At 1:40 am got my water broken, still a 4 LONG NIGHT.

3:25AM I'm at 6! :D

4:15 AM 10! :-o
But still high. :-| So they have me sitting straight up hopeing for him to come down some..


5:22 AM HE IS HERE! :D


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